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About HurricaneJosh

  • Birthday 01/21/1970

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  • Location:
    Southern California USA
  • Interests
    A.k.a. iCyclone. Obsessed with severe, deep-tropical cyclones. Nothing else matters.

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  1. Thanks so much, shaggy. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you're doing well. Nice to reconnect with you like this.
  2. I most certainly did-- got right smack in the eye. Here's the action. It's one of my better nighttime videos. The hotel was on a generator, so there was some light to work with.
  3. Hey, thanks, Mike! I'm flattered that you have such a firm belief in my ability to pull that off again-- or top it. If I go to my grave with DORIAN being my biggest score, I'll feel like I did what I was put on this earth to do. But, hey, it's always worth striving for that next level. Anyhoo, thanks for watching the video. Hope you're well, man.
  4. Thanks for your interest in my work, Tony. I appreciate it.
  5. Hey, folks! Haven't been here in a while. Just wanted y'all to know my show is premiering at 9 pm EDT (8 pm CDT) Sunday 15 September on Science Channel. It starts with a bang-- a double episode that brings you with me into the eye of Cat-5 Hurricane MICHAEL. Let me know what you think! Here's the on-air promo:
  6. The calm intro shots of L.A. are licensed stock footage! I don't do that kinda fancy photography!
  7. Hey, thanks! Glad you liked it! Agreed-- it would be nice to see less human impact this coming season-- the last was a bit much.
  8. Oh, hey. My latest YouTube channel ad. A lot of my recent chaseporn crammed into a minute. Enjoy!
  9. [quote name='Saki' timestamp='1354975121'] Jmho, no reason why amateurs shouldn't be allowed to do the same. Some would elect to post there and it would probably thin down the forums some. Especially amateurs that donate and or are subscribers. Otherwise you might as well to straight to the "amateurs must subscribe to read/post" to support the community. It would accomplish basically the same thing. [/quote] Agree with this. The met-only litmus test is kind of random, since some mets are terrible posters and some non mets are important contributors to the weather community-- either as chasers or whatever. I get that not everyone should have a blog, but this way of parsing it doesn't sit quite right.
  10. Thank you-- but to be clear, I had equal praise for our federal disaster response. The people of Joplin deserve credit-- and so, too, does our federal government and this application of our federal tax dollars. It is a win all around.
  11. It's cool to see Joplin bouncing back like this. It's really a model of disaster recovery. As Californians, we were not in any way affected by this disaster. But I think as Americans we're all proud to see the federal government-- and federal taxpayer dollars-- going toward such a noble and worthy causes: rebuilding American communities and infrastructure. I think this is a good illustration of the federal system at work: we're here to support each other and pick each other up in times of need.
  12. Be sure to enter the Aussie cyclone contest!


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