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Vinny Findley

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Everything posted by Vinny Findley

  1. Haven't measured but looks like about 4 inches. Only snowed a little over 4 hours. Started later and ended earlier than expected!
  2. There was 3 feet of snow on my street from this storm. Cleared the streets with a front end pay loader with a 5 yard bucket. 3 days before they started clearing the road. 20 foot drifts almost covering houses in my neighborhood.
  3. Temp dropped from 33 to 31 in an hour. Had a quick burst of heavy snow. Now steady light to moderate.
  4. Just to my south a lot of weather stations showing between 4 and 5".
  5. I'm at 52.06 on the year. That is with a few months below 1"
  6. Up to 3.13" 8 miles N NW of the airport.
  7. 2.66" and counting. No crazy wind. Keep getting the heavy bands training over me!
  8. What is COC refering to in a lot of posts I see? Not coming up in any searches.
  9. No wind just heavy rain out here. Was pretty dark as the storms rolled through. A few loud claps of thunder along with a few flashes of lighting. 3/4 inch of rain.
  10. My sister in law lives in Walden off Bayley Hazen Road. That bridge looks like the one that goes over 15. The path also crosses Bayley Hazen Road. They were still building it the last time I was up there.
  11. Down to 27 here now with heavy powder coming down. Back edge not far away. Just added an inch and a half in the last hour.
  12. Heavy snow. Temp went from 33.7 to 30 in 45 minutes. Fine flakes now.
  13. All snow here in Cranston. Had a little taint when precipitation let up but mostly been all snow. Only about 3" and that was from the burst last night. Keep getting moderate bursts but no additional accumulation!
  14. Is this this your weather station app or something else? I have an ambient weather station and use meteobridge to send the data. Can't make a screen shot like that!
  15. .8 so far today 7.30 for September 43.44 year to date
  16. 85 degrees with a dew of 74 halfway between Key West and Havana on Wonder of the Seas heading back to Port Canaveral. Can't wait to feel the fall air back in RI. Been oppressive since the cruise started last Sunday. Coco Cay, Cozumel, Roatan and Costa Maya.
  17. I work in Attleboro. My drive home is 95 north to 295 south. It poured all the way down 295 until I came within a few miles of my exit to Cranston. Gallon sized rain drops. A lot of weather stations in that circle are reporting between 4 and close to 6 inches of rain. Where I work in Attleboro just over the line from Pawtucket RI we had torrential rain for about 45 minutes. had a break for about 30 minutes then an even heavier torrential down pour just as we were leaving. Had 2.75" at my house yesterday. The places getting hammered today also had 2 to 3" yesterday, Wouldn't surprise me that a few locations get close to double digit totals after this is over.
  18. 2.07" so far. 1.75" in an hour. Had 3.5" rate for about 5 minutes. Sun trying to break through right now.
  19. You would think so! Watching the news they said multiple witnesses said it was picked up and dropped on the south bound side. One said it was spinning while in the air. I went to look at the tree damage where it tracked. It was unbelievable trees snapped 10 to 15 feet above the ground and in a circular direction. A few houses were damaged. It hit in an area with few homes!
  20. The EF2 tornado went across 295 about 2 miles from my house. Multiple witnesses said it picked up a car heading north about 10 to 12 feet off the ground and carried it across the median spinning while in the air and dropped it on the south bound side. Tree damage was unbelievable. Snapped 15 to 20 feet above the ground. I called my daughter at home. She said wind wasn't crazy bad. Wpri.com has a video from a Tesla cam that shows the tornado race across the highway.
  21. 2 flash flood warnings on my phone in the last 45 minutes.
  22. Probably over 3" here in Cranston. The rain gauge on my weather station stopped reporting at .63 in the first batch of heavy rain. Pumped about an 1 1/2 out of the pool after it stopped. Sun started to break through for a bit. This last batch the water level is even higher and still raining moderately. Some more heavy rain to the south. Looks to be mostly east of here. Maybe get grazed by it.
  23. -8.3 for the low wind chills 20 to 36 below. Currently at -7.1. Last night had a few wind gusts 46 and 48 mph. Scaffolding 5 stories high on a nursing home in Attleboro was blown down to the ground.
  24. Cool. I'll be there. Been going since August 2021.
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