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About MDScot

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    Gaithersburg MD, Rt 28

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  1. 38 and rising here in Gaithersburg, MD. Certainly melting the base pretty quickly.
  2. Steady light snow, 27 degrees , Gaithersburg/Rt 28. Roads are black as of right now.
  3. dropped 3 deg in 30 mins, down to 32.5, deck and grass turning
  4. Just changed to sleet in Gaithersburg/Rt 28, 25 deg
  5. Heavy pingers in G'burg, 26 deg. Will this year be record ratio of snow forecast to snow measured for the DC area?
  6. Solid freeze for water on my deck.Shame my veg seedlings were sitting in it.
  7. All of these back and forth seem to imply that the answer is one way or the other - close or open across at least an entire state. To me that goes against both sides of the argument. What is needed to control the infection AND what a shutdown does to the economy is VERY different in Silver Spring than it is in Deep Creek or than it is in Tilghman - to stay within Maryland for now. The next step in relaxing the mandatory closures is to make SOME decisions at a county and city level ( and yes, I know people will drive and move around- up to a point). (And to be clear , I am talking about what is mandated, not what you should do IF you can. Everyone that can work from home should be able to - for the rest of the year. Distancing should be place for a LONG time.)
  8. If it is OK to golf, I hope Hogan would also relax the restriction on recreational boating for families.
  9. Or if May 5th comes along and Georgia is doing as well or as bad as MD and VA ? ... then what?
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