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8283 El Nino Baby

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About 8283 El Nino Baby

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  • Location:
    Cumberland Plateau, Van Buren county

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  1. Interesting event here in Van Buren County on the plateau. By far the most amount of lightning I have ever seen, but a lot of it seemed to be could to cloud. It also rained about 4.5 inches. The oddity was we had no wind at all, we were under multiple sever thunderstorm warnings and just to my west, McMinnville was under a tornado warning. Yet no wind and no hail. Not complaining, just wonder why that would be.
  2. I lived in the California bay area for most my life, so weather was usually quite boring. Especially since I lived in the shadow of the Santa Cruz mountains. Some years they would get 80 inches of rain and my area 20 miles way would get 12. My love of weather grew mostly from a fascination with the power of hurricanes and tornadoes. I would religiously watch the Weather Channel tropical update at 50 past the hour with legendary John hope. My passion grew further in the 97-98 El Nino where for a change, strong pacific storms seemed to hold together, even where I lived. In 2 years of living in Tennessee I am a bit spoiled as I have seen more close proximity lightning in one 2 minute storm then all of the lighting I saw over 38 years of living in California. Plus, getting to experience snow where I live is amazing as I used to have to drive the Sierras and it seemed to never snow when I visited. Hoping for a snowy winter this year. The one thing I hate in weather is drought and monotony. They say people in Seattle get depressed from day after day of clouds and rain. Well I feel the same way after days of dry sunny weather. I have found the last 3 months pretty lame as the drought has taken hold in the Southeast.
  3. 1.60" for the month, but it has been really dry the last few weeks. Sitting at 58.5'' here on the plateau since January 1. Last year I received 70.77 inches for the whole year.
  4. Yeah, just drove through today to drop my brother off at the lodge (he works their). Power was out and they told him it could take ten days to restore. My power just came on about 15 miles west of Falls Creek Falls.
  5. Thanks for the info. I live off of 111 between Spencer and Dunlap. Will have to check out those slopes.
  6. Temps on the central plateau actually going up. Was 34 at 9am and now up to 40. I need electricity for water (well) and wifi (no cell service), so I won't complain if the ice misses my area.
  7. Same here on the plateau. Max gust of 21. Did get an inch of rain.
  8. Two lines of storms have come through thus far and this last one lining up looks to be the strongest yet if it holds together.
  9. Any hope for the plateau/middle Tennessee? All but yesterdays Euro 12Z seem to make this an east Tennessee event.
  10. Just had a 15 minute outage here in Van Buren. Seems to align with the rolling outages in the rest of the state and South in general.
  11. Down to 8 degrees in Van Buren county on the plateau. It was 41 at 1030. Looks like maybe a quarter inch of snow which is kind of disappointing.
  12. Microclimates save me I guess. I am 60 miles north of you on the Plateau, which is still well south of I40 and I am at 7 inches so far in July. However, it all came quick hitting downpours, so it still somehow feels like its been a dry month.
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