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Everything posted by WalpoleJoe

  1. Just listened to Kevin L on Fox 25 after Harv again did not back off...Kevin said he expects some locations may get 30+ inches, just not sure where....these Boston mets aren't dumb, they see something....hopefully they are right
  2. That's a great suggestion, thanks. I never thought to do it that way. It's always the simple thing that makes a difference.
  3. Funny you say that Ray. Being a long time lurker and enjoying reading you through they years, I though that same thing yesterday. My area always seems to do pretty well, if I could be a bit further to the west and north toward 495 that might be a bit better, but I usually don't have many complaints in this location.
  4. East Bay and West Bay. I grew up in Cranston, West Bay, and we went to Narragansett for the summer, so the East Bay didn't exist....RI is unique, a great place to grow up
  5. My condolences. God bless your dad and your family.
  6. Stay here in NE Tip, the rest of them are toxic....
  7. Completely unfair that Phin would get suspended for that interaction. I have no axe to grind against either man, I don't know either. But Forky comes in here for the sole intent to troll and has for years. I'm sure @PhineasC isn't for all, but I have enjoyed his posts from the north and I think he has added value to our New England group. This situation certainly seems to be the favored versus the unfavored.
  8. I have to agree. Chris gets a mulligan on that, people died, that is the story, We dont need to cast blame, humans really aren't in control, despite the fact we think we are. Bless their families.
  9. I remember this storm well. Driving down Park Ave in Cranston to go eat at Chelo's with mom and dad wondering what the hell is going on...don't mean to sound old, but those who are not of that generation can't even fathom the extent to which technology and info have changed the game. While living through it in the time, you really have no idea what's going on other than thinking this shouldn't be happening....no computer, no live tv updates, no spotter reports to tap into and get info...only thing to do was call the weather bureau recorded phone forecast in Warwick at Green Airport, I think that number was 401-738-1211? Was a great positive bust.
  10. Steve, hope your friend is well. We are watching channel 5, Harvey called in. I swear he quoted what you wrote, Steve, verbatim. Even included location and pool house with concrete foundation.
  11. There is a Seasonal Store just about 1 mile south of the stadium, on the north side of Rt. 1, at the junction of Rt. 140 and Rt. 1 - 113 Washington St. in Foxboro. I park there when I want to get out quickly, I can turn on rt 140 and head to Walpole, missing all the Rt. 1 traffic; you could jump on 140 and head south, which would be convenient for you. If you can get a spot there you should be pretty good. If you are not parking at Gilette proper, find a lot south of the stadium, that way you do not have to crossover Rt. 1 traffic when you leave.
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