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Everything posted by TheClimateChanger

  1. Some numbers from elsewhere in the PBZ County Warning Area: It was 5th warmest in the threaded record at Morgantown, among years with sufficient data (1892 is missing the entire month of June): It was 2nd warmest in the threaded record at Wheeling [no data for 1954-1997]: 15th warmest at Zanesville. Most of the warmer summers were prior to the airport site opening. Shorter period of record sites: 6th warmest (of 65 years) at New Philadelphia: Warmest summer on record at DuBois (out of 59 years):
  2. It did indeed tick up to eighth place in the final rankings, albeit just barely. I was thinking it would get a bit warmer yesterday.
  3. Thanks for the update, Don. It will be interesting to see whether 2024 was able to unseat 2021 and 1936 for hottest summer on a national scale. The fist two months of summer were in 2nd place, slightly behind 2021 and slightly ahead of 1936. While August was certainly warmer than normal, I feel like it was a bit cooler nationwide... so I think we may wind up just behind those years, but we'll see. Stay tuned.
  4. For those keeping score, this comes on the heel of the warmest spring and fourth warmest winter on record.
  5. Haven't looked at this in a little while, but the recent heat wave locked up a top 10 warmest summer at Pittsburgh. Have to suspect that today and tomorrow will raise the August mean sufficiently to result in an increase of at least 0.1F in the summer mean, which would result in a tie or just ahead of 2016 for 8th place overall. Since 1901, only 2016, 1995 & 1934 were hotter in the threaded record [of course, the latter being when the station was still downtown].
  6. Wasn’t sure we’d get there today with the cloud cover, but it did reach 90F already. Might be about done though with thickening clouds and even some scattered thundershowers popping.
  7. A small area of exceptional drought (D4) noted in Ohio and West Virginia for the first time in both states since the drought monitor began in its current form in 2000.
  8. Looks like the morning low was 74F, which would be a record high if it holds. It might not though, due to risk of thunderstorms. Current record high minimum is 73F from 1928.
  9. I actually said "nearly without historical precedence" as @rainsucks suggested 100-101F. Another degree above that would indeed be without any historical precedence; hence, my use of the qualifier "nearly." In other words, those values are rare but not unprecedented, but anything higher would be unprecedented in the historical record.
  10. Very interesting to watch the impact of the extreme drought on temperatures. Parkersburg, West Virginia looks poised to approach 100F today, which has only happened in 8 years from 1926 to the present (29 times), and only two years since 1954 (a total of 8 times - 7 in 1988 & 1 in 2012).
  11. Either way, dangerous heat. Always a lot of trolling on here when it gets hot. I even saw someone making light at all of the EHWs. I think people forget that conditions like these are highly unusual for the Midwest in the month of August, let alone late August. The unofficial 113F value at 12:30 p.m. is not far off of last year's record-breaking pace. I know someone also questioned me on claiming 100F is unusual for this time of the year in Chicago, by pointing out the 100F high on August 24th of last year. That was the latest in the threaded record since the 100F reading in early September 1960, observed at Midway. It was actually 99F at O'Hare on that date, and last year's 100F reading was the latest observed at O'Hare by three full weeks. So I don't know what point they were trying to make. Chicago Area Hourly Heat Index Records (1946-present)
  12. Eyeballing it, I think 98/61 looks like a Weathergami. Certainly not much population density there, either way. If it is a Weathergami, that would be 3 new combinations in 4 days with nearly 100 years of records.
  13. Due to the unusual weather conditions, Weathergamis were observed on Friday (89F/49F) and Sunday (96F/58F). Saturday's 94F/53F apparently occurred on one other occasion. I suspect yesterday (98F/61F) must have been close to a Weathergami as well. Will have to keep an eye when that data is released later.
  14. Very impressive stretch at Parkersburg, West Virginia, with new daily records set on 5 of the last 6 days. New record lows set last Wednesday through Friday, and new record highs each of the last two days. The high is likely to approach the record of 100F today, set in 1948, and may tie that value but breaking it is probably unlikely. Saturday was close to the record high [2F shy] and record low [4F], with 35-40F diurnal ranges common over the past week amplified by the extreme drought. Really easy to see the impact of the drought conditions. High temperatures for the summer are 3rd warmest of record, narrowly behind 1934 & 1936. But low temperatures are tied for 27th coolest with several other years.
  15. KPIT is up to 91F again. Still suspect we'll make a run for hottest of the year, probably 93-95F range for the high temperature.
  16. Not quite up to last year's historically high August heat indices in most places, but not far off. Here's Moline's highest heat index readings by hour in the month of August [1929-present]. The 10 a.m. reading of 100F is 5F shy of August 23, 2023.
  17. Looking through the climate numbers for the day and one of the more notable readings was 97F at Traverse City. That was the highest reading there since June 30, 2018, when it reached 98F. It was the highest reading in the month of August since August 8, 2001, when it reached 98F. Furthermore, since 1968, there have only been two days in the month of August on which it was as warm or warmer than today's reading - August 2, 1988, when it reached 98F, and the aforementioned date in 2001.
  18. Wasn't super unexpected to me, although admittedly the official forecast had mid 80s for Allegheny County today. I commented yesterday that it would likely be close to 90F today, based on a review of the models - most of which were showing upper 80s, with the HRRR in the low 90s - and upstream observations with widespread low to mid 90s the prior day. NWS has 92F at the airport each of the next two days... personally, Wednesday looks like the hottest day of the year to me on the short-range modeling. Not sure why the NWS is going so much lower than they did with the June heat wave - maybe concern about clouds and convection, I'm guessing? A number of models have mid to upper 90s for Wednesday, and upstream observations are supportive. 96F in New Philadelphia was a new record, and just 3F shy of the monthly record. Reached at least 98F at Parkersburg, W. Va. for the second straight daily record high, and only 3 or 4F shy of the monthly record. Regardless, if we do 90+ tomorrow, Wednesday and Friday, as per the official forecast, PIT would have 23 90+ days in meteorological summer. That would tie 1966, 1901 & 1884 for 12th most on record. Excluding the suspect 19th century data, only 2 met. summers had more 90+ days since 1900 - 1988 (37) and 1995 (26).
  19. No need to wait now. Up to 90, as of the top of the hour.
  20. Seems pretty unreasonable to me. There are 4 dates later in the season with 100F+, 3 of which were observed when the official observations were taken at Midway Airport: 101, on 9/1/1953; 101, on 9/2/1953; 100 on 9/7/1960; and 100 on 9/7/1939. Looks like the highest temperature observed at O'Hare Airport on or after today's date is 99F in 1960 & 1985: Not to say it can't happen, but it would almost be without historical precedent.
  21. Is that the same mechanism by which the Saharan dust inhibits tropical storms? Warming aloft from absorbed solar radiation and modest cooling at the surface lowering the lapse rate and resulting in a more stable atmospheric profile?
  22. Off topic, but one hell of a two-week period weatherwise there. Current forecast would suggest the high reaches at least 95F for six consecutive days, which would only be the 3rd time on record it reached 95 or better on 6 or more consecutive days there.
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