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About B-Rent

  • Birthday February 6

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    6Mi W of KAID

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  1. JoMo, do you know anything about the healthcare group touring hospitals giving a presentation about what they learned at Mercy? Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
  2. Not as much shocked me as should have. I think seeing all of your photos prepared me for what I would see. You can tell its a changed landscape. After the trees, the very first thing I noticed was the street names painted on the road. I think we were on 22nd st? The one that goes next to the hospital. It felt more solemn in areas where you KNEW someone died. Walmart, Home Depot, those places. A couple of times I caught my self thinking "It looks so normal here, how is that possible?" We drove by the hospital, I had tried to explain the modular concept to my my wife, who is a nurse, but she had to see it to understand. It was hard telling on the old hospital, where damage was vs. demolition. I didn't realize how close your two hospitals were. Talk about a streak of luck.
  3. Thats the first time I have seen aftermath of major damage. I've had EF1-EF2 events close to me before and seen the immediate damage from those, but to see the size and level of damage there in Joplin, a year after, was amazing. I kept telling my friend giving me the tour, :I didn't expect to still see sheet metal and insulation in the trees."
  4. I drove around Joplin, Tuesday. I may have actually gotten a bit lost on JoMos hood. It's so surprising to me that you can still look up in trees and see debris. The other thing, the trees themselves. They are so barren, it's surreal to see a tree with no branches growing leaves. Sent from my ADR6400L
  5. JoMo We're headed home this weekend and we always go to Lambert in Ozark. Thought about making a day of it and heading down to see Joplin. Anywhere specific we would want to check out? More importantly anywhere to keep away from?
  6. I just came here to ask about that map JoMo. Just read about it on KY3. How are the tourists being treated when they come through town? If I dropped in on Joplin next time I'm in the Ozarks would I get the cold shoulder from people? I do see how it is tacky, but like they said, its hard to be avoided. Might as well help the community out somehow. Have any areas of town become more "solem" than others?
  7. Whew. That makes me feel claustrophobic. If I ever build a house (yeah right) I want a shelter with a pocket door. No getting stuck there. Looks nice JoMo, and good call on the paint too!
  8. Good point. Its quickly becoming a moot point, but it still a good point. The cell phone idea reaches the majority of citizens. Way more than tornado sirens do.
  9. I work in 911, it is simply amazing the number of 911 calls we get when the sirens go off. "I hear tornado sirens, what am I supposed to do?" This is anecdotal of course, but I think a large number of them come from trailer residents too. I think the siren system is broken and antiquated. They need replaced with new more efficient technology. How hard can it be to have all of the cell towers in a polygon push a free text message out to phones. "Tornado warning for your area. 9:11PM to 9:45PM turn on local media for info."
  10. Interesting they aren't taking the time to go underground. Was it discussed?
  11. It's called flying under the radar. I don't mind it. :D

  12. Your profile had no comments. So here ya go.

  13. Have people forgot yet, Jomo? Or is the help needed, still coming?
  14. And when you have dirt basicly injected into your body at 250mph.... well...
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