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Posts posted by magpiemaniac

  1. The covid-19 thread in the Off Topic forum disappeared.  Did that thread get too rowdy while I was away?

    With all this leisure time, I’ve been reading and watching more news and interviews.  (Kill me.)  Several things I’ve noticed especially among people in their 20s and 30s:

    • ”Super” is being used excessively as an adverb.  People are now “super excited” or something is now considered “super easy”.  Please stop this madness.
    • “New normal.”  Ugh.  New normal is yesterday’s “seeking closure”.
    • Inability to annunciate some T sounds in words like important or mountains.  I’m hearing a lot of “em-poor-uhn” or “mao-uhns”.
  2. 17 minutes ago, yotaman said:

    Scored a pack of toilet paper today. Right place at the right time. Feels like I won the lottery. LOL

    Congratulations!  I found some ground beef and chicken this morning.  Limit of two per customer.

  3. On 3/15/2020 at 9:09 AM, NorthHillsWx said:

    So much for the 60-80% rain forecast here today last 2 days. Not a drop looks to have jumped over us. Planted all my spring food plots at the farm in anticipation of the rain. Great!

    Mother Nature can really be an @$$h0|€ sometimes.  It wouldn’t stop raining in February to the point of being absurd, but as we approach the time when some rain becomes helpful, it dries up.

  4. 3 hours ago, frazdaddy said:

    Oh I think Va tech will take care of that officially very soon.

    More importantly,  the Cane's have some work to do over the next two weeks for sure.

    Canes chances have improved over the past week especially considering that some of the guys are waking up and a few other eastern teams are slumping.  I bet some team will miss the WC2 slot on a tiebreaker.  It’s going to be close.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Tullioz said:

    It's graupel. We had a shower pass through Eden about an hour ago producing the same. 

    It wrote graupel down earlier, but edited it to hail.  IMBY, it wasn’t as soft as graupel usually is.  It was solid ice here albeit pea-sized.  It was pinging the car roof pretty loudly.

    Edit:  Look at the video I took and the sample, I’ll switch back to graupel.  :)  It just wasn’t very soft for graupel.

  6. 23 hours ago, WinstonSalemArlington said:

    I concur, although I think an F is still a reasonable grade 

    Yeah, I’m sticking with an F.  While I’m thankful to get some snow this week, it’s sort of like a kid turning in a poorly written paper at the last moment to try to pass the class.  Too many zero assignments all season to bring the grade up to a 60.

  7. 1 hour ago, FLweather said:

    I'll take a blend of Icon/Canadian for this coming week.

    Actually shows decent rain chances deep into Florida. 

    Past several weeks the fire hose has been aligned Sw to NE well to my Nw over the panhandle AL, GA, LA, MS

    Y’all have been needing some rain down there, haven’t you?  Hope you get it.  It’s easy to forget that our friends just a couple of states over can be experiencing the opposite weatherwise.  I know that south Texas has been really dry.  That’s why I tell myself not to complain about my rice paddy lawn.  We’ll miss the rain later in the year when we can’t buy a drop.

  8. 47 minutes ago, wncsnow said:

    Really the whole 74 corridor from Wadesboro to Lumberton up to Fayetteville is probably lowest on the list of NC places to live due to high poverty levels, crime rates, and overall lack of things to do 

    Though I will say that we once stopped in a restaurant in Laurinburg (on the way back from vacationing in Oak Island) and the service was exceptionally polite and attentive.  Made a good impression on us to this day.  (Pardon the off-topic comment.)

  9. 8 hours ago, superjames1992 said:

    If you compare the ground truth to the official NWS forecasts, the Triad and Triangle got basically what they were supposed to get, though.  Actually, the Triad overperformed a bit, if anything.  It just didn’t meet some of our weenie expectations.  I was expecting 2-4” IMBY and that’s basically what we got (albeit on the lower end).  I thought Raleigh would do a little better, though.

    This system did what I expected here in the Triad.  Wasn’t a blockbuster by any stretch, but it is what it is considering.  I ended up with 2” mostly because the temps were good up this way.  We didn’t have the QPF we needed, but everything that fell was snow from start to finish.  No rain or mixing at all.  The NW Piedmont did overachieve slightly compared to expectations.

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