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Posts posted by magpiemaniac

  1. 4 minutes ago, landof2rivers said:

    That warned cell is headed towards me, fingers crossed it weakens.

    That’s a mean looking line.  Hope you miss it.  I’m about 15 miles south of you.  Looks like it’ll dodge me.

  2. 3 minutes ago, kvegas-wx said:

    Zeta doing its thing for sure here in the Triad.  Trees down, power flickering, branches slamming the side of the house and nearly every leaf is now in my yard.  I foresee a sunny weekend cleanup and burn pile.

    The larger trees in my neighborhood we’re still fairly green.  The leaves went from green to gone.

    (Small and medium trees had good color.)

  3. The pundits tell us that this La Niña doesn’t bode well for a good winter in the southeast, but don’t forget 2017-18 while we were smack in the middle of the last one.  We managed several good storms then.  February was pretty quite, but January and February gave us some nice snows.  So bring on the La Niña.  We’ll manage.

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  4. 15 hours ago, WinstonSalemArlington said:

    Winston-Salem, Greensboro, High Point. Dude, where do you live? That’s basic climatology.

    It’s 70 miles from Sandy Ridge to Seagrove.  We’ve seen significant temperature differences in the same day between northern Stokes and southern Randolph.

  5. On 9/3/2020 at 1:48 PM, wncsnow said:

    His winter forecasts range from awful to pathetic, so I consider this good news

    When it’s all done, reality ends up being the opposite of what the so-called experts predict, so I’d like to see predictions for a torching winter.

  6. During all that rain earlier this year, I mentioned that we shouldn’t complain because we won’t be able to buy a drop by the middle of July.

    My most recent rain totals IMBY for July:

    • July 17:  0.05”
    • July 10:  0.70”
    • July 8:  0.50”

    That’s it.  Just 1.25” total for the month.  I’ve cut down my sprinkler output.  I use sprinklers to supplement nature rain.  My well shouldn’t have to carry the load.  We need some tropical action.

  7. Tonight’s storm just camped out over the Triad for well over four hours.  Intense downpour for half an hour then moderate rain for the rest of the evening.  I’m at 1.4” right now.  Most of the heavier rain was north and south of me, but I won’t complain.  Saves me from turning on the sprinklers this week.

  8. I’m at 6.4” total right now.  Weather radio alerted this morning to a flash flood warning.  I’m expecting another inch or so through tomorrow.

    PTI is reporting 5.93” so far.  I’m ten miles northeast from the airport.  I’m just a tad ahead in precip.

  9. 4 hours ago, frazdaddy said:

    Bettman keeps making noises about a 24 team playoff in late August. They are talking events in two cities if they can get the players overseas back in the country. We will see if they can pull it off. If that happens I wonder if Dougie could go by then?

    I read that DH was progressing well and would likely be ready by then.

  10. Intermittent periods of light rain this evening.  Standing at 2.4” for Tuesday.  The action really gets going for the Triad on Wednesday and Thursday.  I’d say the over/under for around here is 5.5” total for the week.

  11. 6 hours ago, frazdaddy said:

    Yepp, me too. I cleared all the ditches in the neighborhood so they could handle it.  I am ready for some hockey!

    The abrupt end to the NHL season has sort of left a “what if” feeling for me.  I was growing confident that the Canes could at least earn a wildcard and then who knows what else.  Ugh.  I’m not optimistic that the 2019-2020 season will be resumed.  And based on articles I’ve been reading, there are questions about if and how fans would be admitted into arenas and stadiums for the upcoming fall hockey and football seasons.

    I won’t take the simple pleasures for granted anymore.

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