Oh, boy. Another New Englander moving South. I thought we hit our quota already. j/k Welcome, MegaMike!
As a native Southron, I’ve never lost a minute’s sleep over snakes, insects, and spiders. This isn’t Australia. If mosquitoes do bother you in the summer, use picaridin spray or lotion. My wife uses it some, but they don’t bite me often. When I see a spider in the house, I either ignore it or pick it up and take it outside.
Remember that grilling is not the same as barbecuing. Barbecuing is low, slow, and indirect and is not done with a Weber in the backyard. When you pass people on country roads, it is customary to casually flick your hand holding the top of steering wheel as a polite greeting. When you’re fixing to go over yonder, leave in plenty of time. I-40 can be a bear sometimes.
A dehumidifier (usually in an older, musty bathroom) is only necessary in the summer if your A/C isn’t running often enough. If you have good HVAC ventilation in newer construction, it’s usually not needed. I don’t bother with one.