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Everything posted by magpiemaniac

  1. Moderate snow with large flakes. Down to 34.9.
  2. Comically large snowflakes falling north of GSO. 35.8 degrees.
  3. 10 miles north of downtown Greensboro 36/30 light snow with dusting on mulch
  4. Down to 36.9/29.3. Quick drop in just the last twenty minutes. I was getting worried. Edit: Now 36.5 just after posting. Let’s go!
  5. I have 18 acres on the eastern side of Stokes between Danbury and Madison. Eventual going to build out there once we’re done raising the teens. Currently 38.3/29.7 with high clouds. I was down to 36.7 at 9:30 PM, but it warmed up. Pressure has fallen from 1023 mb to 1020 mb in past three hours. These rate-dependent events scare me. A lot of dreams have been crushed with these setups.
  6. Northern Guilford County, NC: 36.9/31, cloudy, calm wind, light precipitation moving in from the SSW I’m three degrees colder than the reading at PTI airport.
  7. RAH’s call map as of this late this afternoon.
  8. 38/30 cloudy calm wind light radar returns moving in from the SW
  9. If it’s any indication of what might happen, the birds have really been going to town on the feeders today. And as someone infamously once said, the clouds have had time to heal since our last system.
  10. I like that 18z HRRR. Triad sitting in the crosshairs. Kuchera of 8” IMBY. (I wish.)
  11. I’m now under a WSW. RAH now expects 3” here with a high end of 4”.
  12. It’s what they call a real-time model. It takes the radar and other readings and tells you what’s going on at the current moment. Fascinating stuff.
  13. I liked it. I think 3” max snow depth IMBY is doable.
  14. This is a friendly reminder that those of us east of I-77 are going to have to be really patient tomorrow. There will be some cliff diving by lunchtime on Friday, but we will get something out of this by Friday night. Just hang in there.
  15. I lived in Hamilton Lakes for a long time until moving to the north side of the county last year. Good luck with this system. I’m hoping we all get enough to at least cover every blade of grass. That way, I can pretend it’s a foot.
  16. Colder now than I expected. It’s 24 degrees here north of GSO. I tend to stay a degree or two cooler here than downtown. I’m hoping that pays off for this system.
  17. My home is in northern Guilford while I own acreage in eastern Stokes. They’re a short drive apart. The house is within the RAH forecasting area while the land is within RNK’s. It’s funny to see the differences in each office’s call maps and forecasts for the same storm. RAH is generally more conservative. So basically for this storm, RAH says to expect 1” of snow at my house, while RNK thinks I can drive a few minutes to the land and expect to see 4” of snow. I’m betting on 2” at the house and 3” at the land.
  18. I’ve been around here for over ten years and when this board is active and we have something to follow, it’s the best around. Great posters and a welcome break from the nonsense and turmoil found on most social media. Thanks to everyone of you for what y’all contribute. I’ve learned a lot.
  19. This late in the game, we ignore the GFS, right? Because the 00z was U.G.L.Y.
  20. Most likely outcome given the lack of model agreement at this point.
  21. 18z GFS gives me 6” IMBY. I expect no more than half of that at best.
  22. Van Denton and Matthew East are my go-to tv mets. (Lordy, I miss East in the Triad. We were robbed.) Van loves snow, but he’s not a homer. When he jumps on board, I listen.
  23. Only one real outlier (of 13.3”) in the SREF plumes for GSO. Throw that one out and it’s a mean of 3.3”. I expect no more than half of that and even that could be irrational exuberance.
  24. This might be the first real event when my moving north ten miles in Guilford County could pay off in terms of snow. The gradients could play out that much in places. We’ll see.
  25. I’d take that. I go from zero to infinity depending on the model and run.
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