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About magpiemaniac

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Northern Guilford County, NC

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  1. As customary, NBC’s Olympic coverage is atrocious. They’ll spend five minutes on a human interest story while a semifinal is going on in the background.
  2. Sorry about your friend. Hope he’s back to good health soon. My wife’s employer was using some heavy-handed tactics to encourage “voluntary” compliance, so she ended up getting the shots. On public forums, I keep my thoughts to myself about covid and and the reaction to it. Not singing along in the accepted hymnal will get you shut down fast.
  3. 74.8 degrees here and just now had a quick 0.71” of rain over a 20 minute period. I’m at 7.23” MTD for July. Change of fortune lately.
  4. I own a 21 Camry XSE, 18 Tundra Limited, 17 RAV4 Platinum, and 09 Matrix SE. I drive the Tundra. I’m sort of mourning the phasing out of the V8. I’m going to hang on to the Tundra for a long while as a result.
  5. I went from MTD of just over 3” to 6.52” in one weekend. And all of that was from just four separate days of rain. Dry all the other days.
  6. I waited at Spectrum for nearly two hours to pick up equipment for my parents. When they finally called my name, I did my best Steve Ballmer impersonation. Not joking.
  7. Finally. I’m at over 2” since yesterday evening and over 3” since Saturday evening.
  8. Oh, come on! How do you have 360 degree rain and not a drop?
  9. Sorry about your friends. This is one (of many) things that pisses me off about this covid stuff. There are effective, simple, and cheap outpatient treatments that drastically reduce the chances of having to be admitted. But many general practitioners have been told to tell their patients to treat the symptoms and go to the ER if they start having trouble breathing. It’s absolute malpractice. Dr. Peters at Bethany Medical in Greensboro is one local doctor who is willing to treat patients without sending them straight to the ER unless necessary.
  10. My father-in-law gave me his anti-rain force field. I’ve unintentionally bestowed it upon you. Sorry.
  11. Good to hear. I picked up 0.22” today. No complaints.
  12. I’m moving my aging parents from Chattanooga to Greensboro in August. My Mom is hoping to see more snow this winter since they’ve struggled to get more than a dusting the last few years. Of course, the winters here haven’t been stellar lately either.
  13. Lightning hit a tree in my neighbor’s backyard yesterday. Knocked out his cable, internet, and various electronics. He had a pretty good surge protector, too. The strike tripped a breaker on some of my outdoor lights, but that’s all.
  14. I was actually a little lucky this evening. After a few near misses, I was able to get in on the edge of a couple of cells and ended up with 1.11”. I missed out on the big totals, but I’ll take it.
  15. After the 0.20” I had earlier, my neighborhood’s anti-rain shield has resumed operation. It’s been raining all around me for an hour and not a drop here. 1.50” of rain three miles to my south and 2.25” one mile to my north. 0.20” IMBY.
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