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Everything posted by guinness77

  1. Literally couldn’t have picked a worse week to be off. This weather is frustrating.
  2. Windiest it’s been by me since this began. Getting 30-35mph gusts every 2 or so minutes for about 15 minutes now. Happy I walked my dog when I did. Got my footie session in on Sat morning too. Played about 75 minutes and got out in one piece.
  3. Looks like our vacation spot (Sandbridge Isle, VA) is gonna take a nice hit. Hopefully not too much surge there, it floods there during a typical summer thunderstorm.
  4. That history page is absolutely bananas. That storm ripped through here in literally an hour or two and was an absolute monster. Thanks for posting this.
  5. You guys would know better than me…NWS has rain starting by 8am on Saturday…looking at the models, this seems to be a little early on the predictions, no?
  6. If that is the case, then your post is spot on. I’m just praying to get in a pickup footie game this Saturday morning. I’ll be 7 weeks removed from a partial tear in my calf. I’ve jogged and ran a bunch of half-speed suicides, but kicking the ball around and running and cutting is the real test.
  7. Looks like we wouldn’t really get most of that moisture until Saturday night into Sunday and then most of the day, according to the GFS. Saturday looks like it could be a decent day but Sunday looks like a washout.
  8. Didn’t last long. Looks like a blob coming up from Jersey in a few hours but none of it looks severe at this point.
  9. Wondering because we have soccer games later (4pm) but these thunderstorms on the Jersey shore look like they’re gonna stay to our west which has been the prevailing theme the last few days. Consensus seems to be its either tonight or not happening at all.
  10. I wasn’t there myself today, but saw multiple people posting videos of dolphins at Gilgo real close to the beach.
  11. I’m south of you, recovering from a recent partial tear of my calf and was entertaining the thought of a jog to try to get it back into some kind of shape and felt the air, even at 7:30am, and said hell no. Even my mile-plus walk with the dog produced some sweat.
  12. Regardless of where it eventually ends up, what a monster of a storm, wow, the size alone.
  13. Absolutely pouring here in West Babylon. Just a soaking rain right now.
  14. My neighbor across the street had lightning hit his pool last night. Gnarly stuff. I did some boozing last night so I slept through most of it. Did have the thunder wake me up for a second though.
  15. That’s what my block party was canceled for. Weak.
  16. I complained to you guys yesterday and my anger has not subsided at all. Radar looks great for me too. I want to wring my neighbors neck (whoever decided to cancel this party) right about now. It’s absolutely gorgeous out, nice breeze, not even that humid. Unbelievable that this was decided yesterday.
  17. My neighbors got together and “voted” to move our block party to Sunday because of the “weather.” Nothing worse than a Sunday block party. If you don’t like hot weather and a chance of thunderstorms, don’t have a block party in the middle of summer, lol. I’m pretty pissed off about it.
  18. That’s what they do best.
  19. @Rmine1 @WestBabylonWeather speaking of Brightwaters Beverage, I see on their IG page the store might have taken on some water. Looks like Orinoco, at the very least, was flooded. Looks like they also got new TH cans too WBW.
  20. I just woke up and I’m getting slammed right now and I’m like 5 miles west of Rmine. Thunder woke me up a few times earlier too. How serious is this tornado watch?
  21. The TH cans were too expensive for me. $5 a can for Heady was way more reasonable. I know they’re like $13/14 in Vermont for a 4-pack but $20 is a proper price around here.
  22. They still have any of that Heady Topper left?
  23. That cluster of thunderstorms in the Atlantic looks like it’s heading right into the middle of LI if it can keep its crap together.
  24. So…it’s pouring, there were 2 sick gusts, it’s hailing, there’s a rainbow and and it’s sunny out…all at once in Lindenhurst.
  25. Outside in Jamaica, it’s like a baseball bat to the face. It’s actually smoky, like flying around in the air. The smell is like a campfire 10 feet away. It’s jarring to see and smell. Like, a dream or something.
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