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Everything posted by guinness77

  1. I used to think if the real deal came up the coast, I could board the house up and get the hell out of dodge (like upstate NY or somewhere well inland) but with the way things have gone the last decade, I really don’t know where is safe anymore. I said it last night, but this region…anything can happen. Literally, anything.
  2. Thanks as always. As someone who’s lurked for a long time, your threads have been beyond helpful and your information, so detailed. I know if I see a thread you’ve started, to stay on notice, and that is so helpful for people like me who have a somewhat rudimentary understanding of weather but nowhere near the knowledge to fully grasp what may (and can) happen days in advance. This subforum, in general, seems to have some really useful mets/posters but I know if I see it’s a “Walt” thread, we’re in trouble,
  3. Exactly. Looks like we’re in for another 2 solid hours of off and on pounding thunderstorms. Everything off the ocean looks like Wantagh to Islip.
  4. I can’t believe I’m typing this but this may be the worst Metro event since Sandy. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that my area continues to dodge a bullet. I don’t think the true scope of what’s happened tonight will come to light until tomorrow and the following days either.
  5. Wouldn’t be surprised to see some spin ups east of New Haven with that radar over the Sound. I don’t know if you allow cursing but holy shit, just dark ass red everywhere.
  6. Some of the signals east of the East River outside the LIRR tunnels still haven’t been fixed (it would take months of repairs, non-stop) and the L took serious salt water too. They may never fully recover from that.
  7. Wow. Bad here right now. I don’t know if the winds have shifted but west side of my house is getting pounded right now. Windy too.
  8. We’re getting a condensed version but we’re about to get the worst. The last 30min have been bad. Sucks not being able to see it.
  9. Looks like South Shore, Wantagh east is about to get socked. That line coming off the ocean looks bad. Pouring and gusting here like crazy already.
  10. Definitely helped I had a few high gravity beers before I went out that night. It’s different with the rain because I have poor lighting to begin with in my front yard. Lol, also no desire to go out in this deluge.
  11. I don’t know. I want to say it was 2016, but I was told I had no work and it was a legit blizzard and I went out (with my German Shepherd) to shovel like 2am and it was one of the most exhilarating nights of my life. Somehow it was harrowing and peaceful all at once. There was no one out and I just let the snow hit me in the face for a few minutes.
  12. Damn. Kicking here now. Worst of the rain and wind right now. Wish I could see any of it. Windiest it’s been all Summer. Almost 40mph probably. Lightning like crazy too.
  13. I can’t see anything outside right now but it is pouring here in SW Suffolk now and the winds are gusting the highest they have so far. At least 30-35mph. Rain just driving into the side of my house.
  14. I thank god I’m off tonight. Driving from the North Shore to the South at about 12:30am would not be something I’d be looking forward to.
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