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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. And for us. Pattern doesn't look bad.
  2. Gfs to our north shows a snowstorm
  3. Cmc and gfs has a storm in mid March. I would favor the interior but keep an eye on it with the NAO and AO going down and the PNA rising.
  4. I don't see a warm pattern on the gfs
  5. Remember when the lakes use to freeze here . Heck we can't even get the great lakes to freeze.
  6. This is over 200 hours out. It will certainly change but this is the timeframe to watch.
  7. Last chance Got this from the Mid Atlantic subforum.
  8. Yep Nao and AO going negative with the PNA going positive.
  9. Say hi to Alvin for me
  10. I rather have snow and cold. Brrr.
  11. Yummm the smell of shit and piss I did 2 times I have more snow than Central Park , heck even more than parts of coastal SNE.
  12. I do like the NAO and AO going negative . The problem is that there is no cold air in Canada.
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