Eric Webb thinks his long range warmth call will fail.
I'll definitely be the first to admit, the idea of a break in the pattern over the CONUS ~ Dec 10-25 that several people & including myself had on here is going to bust horribly. Details regarding the cyclonic wave break in the Gulf of Alaska make all the difference in the world. A more equatorward & negatively tilted CWB leads to a huge ridge in NW North America and dislodges a piece of the TPV sitting north of the Baffin Bay >>> major arctic outbreak ~ Dec 10-11. Given the active storm track we'll have around & following this period, it's hard not to be at least a little excited about renewed opportunities for wintry weather.
Patterns like this can even get my neck of the woods in the action.
This was a huge LR bust by myself but I honestly couldn't be happier about it. I'm beyond sick & tired of mild Decembers around here.