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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. We have seen a lot of these in 2013. We also had one in 2016 with dropped a few inches.
  2. It's a wave along the front. It's not rain ending as snow.
  3. Euro weeklies have been horrible Eps has also been horrible.
  4. Eps has 1 -2 inches for the area with the anafront
  5. Trended towards the other models. It has been late on every storm this year.
  6. Euro has anafrontal snow for mid week.
  7. Way out there to takes these to heart.
  8. Its coming. I have been right while all of you have been humping the eps and euro.
  9. South but who cares. The euro has sucked moose balls.
  10. Definitely but every model has this in some sort. These will not be sort out until the Nam comes into range .
  11. Watch the wave along the front next week for possible snow. Gefs and cmc show this. The other models are also close.
  12. Cmc for the anafrontal wave Gefs is also similiar
  13. It has been for a while. Gefs is suppressed for next weekend and it also shows the anafrontal wave.
  14. Eps has it to our south . Ukie at 12z was enthused.
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