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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. Deaths will be way down today but cases are still very high most likely due to more testing.
  2. Everything down in NY Deaths down to 280 Better news but can be the weekend lag like Cuomo stated.
  3. According to WHO , the US on Thursday reported it’s largest 24 hour death toll of 2,909 people. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/495826-us-endures-worst-one-day-death-toll-yet-as-states-reopen
  4. It is also done here. Tomorrow might hit 80 here so good luck.
  5. NJ is likely undercounting deaths https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nj.com/coronavirus/2020/05/nj-is-likely-undercounting-coronavirus-deaths-heres-what-the-data-shows.html%3FoutputType=amp
  6. Parks are really crowded today along with heavy traffic in NY. I guess people are getting annoyed about staying inside.
  7. Hype ? Really ? 96 of my fellow co workers went sick in early April and 45 were positive with the virus. My fiancee lost her friend, her friend's father and a couple of other people she worked with to the virus. Her friend was only 31. Late March and early April was the worst . I was so busy at work answering DOA jobs. Now tell people how everything is hype.
  8. Today's numbers The big cities should be last to open up due to the population. Gov Cuomo and Mayor Deblasio aren't too happy about the cases hovering around 1k for NY. I think they will extend it past May 15 for NYC. The other states have to be careful opening up prematurely.
  9. Final numbers Phin , do these numbers look good for opening up ? I understand people need to get back to work but safety first.
  10. Cases are high but deaths are really low compared to yesterday in the US.
  11. Cuomo wants school officials to come up a plan soon if there is summer school and especially for the new school year to have kids social distance in classrooms. How is that going to happen ?
  12. Richard Carranza: Only ‘50-50’ chance NYC schools will open in September https://nypost.com/2020/04/30/richard-carranza-50-50-chance-nyc-schools-will-open-in-september/
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