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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. Check out 6z Euro Alot of rain for the area
  2. Shocked considering how warm the waters are
  3. The thread was great when it first started but a few people ruined it ( I can also take some blame for throwing it offcourse)
  4. Going to Atlantic City next week for a night
  5. 100 inches of snow incoming for the big cities this winter.
  6. I'm hoping for a brutal winter Last winter sucked
  7. The water off the Southern and Mid Atlantic coast is heating up . Maybe we will get a hurricane up here in August or September.
  8. The thread went way off course a few times.
  9. Everywhere in the city Loved it
  10. I'm already counting down the days until winter
  11. Quite possible but this has been going on since May.
  12. I'm not sure why there were way more fireworks this year. Maybe they had easier access to them this year compared to past years.
  13. NYC was similiar I never seen the 4th like I did last night. There were way more fireworks going off last night than past years.
  14. The virus thread was really informative. Some bad apples ruined the thread.
  15. Have a safe and healthy 4th
  16. Coronavirus News: New COVID cases in NY top 900 for first time in 3 weeks https://abc7ny.com/health/new-covid-cases-in-ny-top-900-for-first-time-in-3-weeks/6295406/ Cuomo worried
  17. Alot of trees down in my area from the storms last night.
  18. Water seeped through the bottom of my windows and started a mini flood. The rain is crazy right now
  19. Wow its insane over here Torrential downpour here
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