" Gov. Lamont's plan to reopen parts of the state by May 20 may be pushed back."
Nooyi said Thursday that May 20 date is not a reopening date but a date that they will have a reopening plan to present to the governor.
She said a gradual reopening is more likely in June and would continue through the rest of the year.
My co worker is in the hospital with pneumonia and a blood clot. Not doing good. He is in his mid 30s.
A sgt from my pct has also been in the hospital for 3 weeks with Covid.
Cuomo mentioned just a few minutes ago that it will take at least 2 months or even longer to open back NY . He also said that he will open the whole state at once.,not county by county like he said he wanted to earlier today.
Gov Cuomo is doing a news conference right now
He says NY needs alot more diagnostic tests and anitbody tests. It will take at least 7 weeks to get those.
Coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different strains, study finds