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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. " Gov. Lamont's plan to reopen parts of the state by May 20 may be pushed back." Nooyi said Thursday that May 20 date is not a reopening date but a date that they will have a reopening plan to present to the governor. She said a gradual reopening is more likely in June and would continue through the rest of the year. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/coronavirus/live-at-4pm-governor-lamont-to-provide-update-on-connecticuts-coronavirus-response/2259947/%3famp
  2. Nice snow event for the Adirondacks this weekend
  3. Illinois governor extends the the restrictions 30 more days.
  4. Firefighter's 5 month old baby dies from the virus in NYC
  5. My co worker is in the hospital with pneumonia and a blood clot. Not doing good. He is in his mid 30s. A sgt from my pct has also been in the hospital for 3 weeks with Covid.
  6. Over 1200 more cases for NY today compared to yesterday. +5713 today
  7. 474 deaths in NY so far until they add probable deaths later. Cuomo says it will take several more weeks to double the testing to 40k tests.
  8. Cuomo mentioned just a few minutes ago that it will take at least 2 months or even longer to open back NY . He also said that he will open the whole state at once.,not county by county like he said he wanted to earlier today.
  9. Gov Cuomo is doing a news conference right now He says NY needs alot more diagnostic tests and anitbody tests. It will take at least 7 weeks to get those.
  10. Coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different strains, study finds https://www.foxnews.com/science/coronavirus-mutated-at-least-30-different-strains-study-finds
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