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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. NY Company Makes Cuomo Window Stickers to Keep Eye on Thanksgiving https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/ny-company-makes-cuomo-window-stickers-to-keep-eye-on-thanksgiving/2736532/
  2. Long range looks better than a few days ago
  3. Exactly They have been talking about this in the SNE thread. The shift towards a possible colder pattern in the long range might have to do with the mjo.
  4. I remember when it use to snow in December
  5. I mean they don't want me . They don't like handsome men.
  6. This can be good for New England if this bombs earlier
  7. You dont even know me so go **** yourself No one likes you on here . Scram.
  8. This is false We all left there because that forum is full of misfits.
  9. They are still finding more votes everywhere 2 weeks after the election. I'm still baffled how I went to sleep on election night thinking Trump has this in the bag and then waking up and seeing Biden winning. Biden gained about 100k+ votes in Wisconsin in one batch with Trump getting 0.
  10. 31 here in Brooklyn Looks like we will get into the upper 20s overnight
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