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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. I went to a bar / restaurant this evening with my friends to watch the football game. The place was packed Everyone had to leave at 10. When people left , they were chanting " **** Cuomo and Deblasio " LOL
  2. Agree as it stands today. Blocking looks too strong.
  3. This pattern depicted by the models for early December are more el nino like with a huge pna spike. Euro was trying to thread the needle with a coastal storm. Eps also has a signal.
  4. Lets get that ULL further east depicted on the gfs and let the games begin. Pattern should become more favorable as we get into December. Hopefully we can cash in. Last December storm was terrible here in the city .
  5. With the help of the PNA, we might squeeze something in.
  6. December actually looks good ( well the 1st half )
  7. People are already getting hyped on social media for the 1st half of December in the east. Eps looks really good for the 1st week of December with a big pna spike. It would be nice to see snow in December
  8. People are already getting hyped on social media for the 1st half of December in the east. Eps looks really good for the 1st week of December with a big pna spike.
  9. NY Company Makes Cuomo Window Stickers to Keep Eye on Thanksgiving https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/ny-company-makes-cuomo-window-stickers-to-keep-eye-on-thanksgiving/2736532/
  10. Long range looks better than a few days ago
  11. Exactly They have been talking about this in the SNE thread. The shift towards a possible colder pattern in the long range might have to do with the mjo.
  12. I remember when it use to snow in December
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