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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. Wow But you have had several below 0 readings
  2. People throwing in the towel at the end of February make me laugh. Who the hell wants warm weather now?
  3. I guess you forgot March 2018 and other years Carry on
  4. Epo going negative along with the PNA pos for a brief time.
  5. Agree even though the models don't have anything
  6. Nao going negative This is believeable
  7. JB thinks more snow is on the way moving forward with the MJO heading into the cold phases and the shortening of the wave lengths.
  8. JB thinks more snow is on the way moving forward with the MJO heading into the cold phases and the shortening of the wave lengths.
  9. Baroclinic is also trolling me =(
  10. Snowman19 gave me a weenie icon Lets see how many times he will be wrong? So far it has been a terrible winter for him.
  11. Down to 33 here in Brooklyn Moderate snow and sticking
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