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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. Restaurants 50 percent indoor capacity in NYC starting March 19. Getting better
  2. Sad news Meteorologist from Chicago 60 years old **** Cancer
  3. What goes up must come down
  4. Not at all My weenie is tingling for 1 more widespread event.
  5. I didnt look at the models until I popped up in the mid Atlantic thread. Ukie is pretty intriguing.
  6. Models are possibly bringing back next week's low. It now looks shredded instead of a big cutter.
  7. 60 here too early for this crap
  8. Gfs lost the cutter for next week Weak shredded pos
  9. My ideal weather is 12 months of blizzard conditions
  10. Disappointed that Central Park will not hit 40 inches.
  11. New CDC guidelines https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/542101-cdc-vaccinated-people-can-safely-gather-indoors-without-masks
  12. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/542101-cdc-vaccinated-people-can-safely-gather-indoors-without-masks
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