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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. Braves fire back at MLB after All-Star Game stripped away https://trib.al/KPWMZnS Braves are pissed at MLB decision
  2. Thanks Alot of ignorant people around
  3. SNE had one but a certain person from the Mid Atlantic subforum kept popping up in there and ruined it.
  4. Agree This isn't a typical progression of a La Nina.
  5. My subforum doesn't have a covid 19 thread .
  6. Typical spring in early April
  7. I have a mask for every holiday
  8. 18 inches from that storm here in NYC in early February. Ended February with 26 inches and ended winter with 37 inches.
  9. They can't accept people's opinions
  10. At least you admit it We can agree one 1 thing Yankee fans are the worst
  11. I wouldnt be shocked to see restrictions go back in place due to the variants showing up.
  12. It is hilarious how Redsox fans are making fun of the Mets. They might be the worst team in baseball right now.
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