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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. People were fooled by a few runs when they showed it hitting NYC
  2. Every model struggled this week
  3. Basically an inverted trough Banding right over the city 6+ will happen in many areas
  4. Not at all Looks like it will be more west than that
  5. None of the models showed the Pre that bad in NYC and NJ. Big model failure
  6. Banding is right over NYC. Closing in on 5 inches here.
  7. It's insane here I'm NYC Subways closed Cars stranded in flooding Transformers blowing
  8. NY NJ PA Weather So when I see something like these observations, I lean towards a track moving due north, maybe shifting to NNW by tomorrow morning rather than going to the NE. As such, I think the east solution into RI is....questionable.
  9. NY NJ PA Weather So when I see something like these observations, I lean towards a track moving due north, maybe shifting to NNW by tomorrow morning rather than going to the NE. As such, I think the east solution into RI is....questionable.
  10. Anyone want to go for a swim in the Brooklyn streets where I'm at ? We might get over 6 + with this event and the storm.
  11. Eric Webb on Twitter said get ready for the tropics to really get into gear soon. Very active period coming.
  12. Storm looks like it's coming northwest right now
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