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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. Nice long range pattern on the gfs. Negative NAO.
  2. Beautiful pattern sets up on the gfs after this week. Nao looks good .
  3. And to think some people thought it was going to get stronger
  4. I'm taking my fiancee to Cape Cod for our mini moon right after our wedding. Any suggestions of nice things to do there? Any good places to stay at ?
  5. Good to see you posting again Negative NAO? Positive PNA?
  6. MJO812

    Winter 2021-22

    La nina is weakening Good news for you area
  7. Do you think a El Nino is possible?
  8. Gefs has been steadfast of bringing in colder air compared to the op.
  9. Good to see the pattern changing slowly. No sustainable cold until the PNA pops positive.
  10. No one is calling for bitterly cold air in our area
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