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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. Long ways out but the pattern has potential and the blocking is moving up in time.
  2. Cold Christmas on the GFS for the Northeast
  3. That will happen when it gets into 8
  4. Need the northern stream to dig
  5. It has to be other things also. Forky is a huge troll.
  6. I just got a boner in my car I had over 30 inches in January 2011 66 inches altogether
  7. I'm not being positive right now I know people are hesitant because of how fickle the long range is but the blocking is actually moving up in time. We go through this every year.
  8. That's happening in the coldest months which is a great sign.
  9. We have been spoiled in the 2000s. We witnessed alot of good winters thanks to the blocking.
  10. Do you and others on here ignore what the pattern is depicting or just trolling ? Yes its warm now but there are indications of a change to colder and more wintry weather.
  11. A ridge will most likely pop in the west once we get to phase 8. Modeling have been atrocious for everything ( pattern , storms ). See what the gfs does with the Christmas threat ? It merges it with the 21st threat because of the block.
  12. There is alot to be excited about.
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