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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. Models are starting to look pretty good for early December . Hopefully they can hold it. We can see the negative NAO getting established before 300 hours on the ensembles.
  2. Lets get the cold air in here and then worry about that after.
  3. Suppression depression on the models ?
  4. Now I know why you beat me out for weenie of the year.
  5. Gorgeous epo pattern on the gfs for early December
  6. Gorgeous epo pattern on the gfs for early December
  7. Models increased the rain for Sunday
  8. Pac rules everything but give me a - epo anything with a negative NAO.
  9. https://wxrisk.com/about-dec-2022-why-dt-wxrisk-thinks-it-will-be-snowy-and-cold/ DT is calling for a cold and snowy December in the east.
  10. https://wxrisk.com/about-dec-2022-why-dt-wxrisk-thinks-it-will-be-snowy-and-cold/ DT is calling for a cold and snowy December in the east.
  11. Did we ever have a negative epo last winter? I get coal every year in my stocking
  12. There are signs of blocking emerging during early December with the epo reloading. This doesn't even look close to last winter.
  13. First widespread northeast coastal storm will be December 5-10
  14. Drinking pre Thanksgiving We dont usually see our first snowfall down here until Mid December
  15. How can you say that this early ? Even Coastal called you out in the SNE thread .
  16. Warm weather and rain are coming so hopefully people start digging out.
  17. Very far interior and lakes Cmc says no snow for anyone
  18. Same here That was far more exciting
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