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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. Be back for 0z when the models come east Ciao
  2. Rain should be banned during the winter
  3. What a winter for the lakes area Wow
  4. Give me a - EPO or + PNA anyday
  5. Actually the models were showing a storm 9 days out . None showed a cutter to my knowledge.
  6. This epic pattern is a big failure
  7. I was just thinking about him. He will pop up soon.
  8. Congrats Want a cookie ? I guess I should listen to you more than to alot of meteorologists.
  9. Eps is further west but nothing like the op. Still a lakes cutter. See you later. Terrible turn of events when it looked like we might see a big snowstorm near Christmas.
  10. Uh ? People were throwing around the huge snowstorm word on this forum also during the runs yesterday and the day before.
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