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No access to MA
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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. 60 here Wearing pants and jacket this morning
  2. I know alot of people who hate driving at night especially if your area doesn't have lights. I don't like driving at night in the Poconos or upstate NY. Very dark plus my tints don't help .
  3. It was supposed to rain most of today
  4. I'm going to Rhode Island for Comic Con in November with my Family and we are thinking of staying in a hotel in Warwick. How is that area? Good hotels ?
  5. Cmc has alot of rain for next weekend
  6. Have to watch this during the winter. Euro is too amplified happy.
  7. I have my heat on in my car.
  8. 59 right now I'm outside wear shorts while people are wearing long pants and coats.
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