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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. We should. Storms will eventually pop up .
  2. I just shoveled 2 events that you busted on.
  3. The pattern on the models look the best that we have seen in years. It's not only 1 model showing it. The MJO is also going in our favor which is huge. January is going to be a fun month for winter lovers ( cold and hopefully snow)
  4. The ridge doesn't look bad on the models
  5. We have been averaging positive with the PNA. There are no signs of it going negative in the near future. Just enjoy the pattern change in early to mid January instead of worrying about what's going to happen in late winter. Anything past 300 hours is gravy.
  6. In the past it hasn't but how can we make the same assumption ? This winter is already starting out better than the past winters. Enjoy model watching and the pattern changing after next week.
  7. I don't see anything wrong with the gefs and eps.
  8. Are you serious? Both models look really nice after NYD. Snow threats will eventually pop up .
  9. The pattern might be ripe for a big storm in January . 50/50 lows Mjo going into 7 and 8 Negative NAO and AO Positive PNA
  10. Keep posting. Love your analysis. Ignore the trolls.
  11. Gfs caving. Getting colder on the models.
  12. But this time he might be right
  13. I don't see what's funny. The consensus among forecasters are for a cold and active January.
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