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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. It's really amped compared to 0z and op
  2. Traffic sucks around Fenway Park. I went to Fenway Park last year for a tour in May and traffic was horrendous. I also paid 20 dollars for parking across the street.
  3. 7th is already looking different on the euro compared to past runs
  4. 7th is already looking different on the euro compared to past runs
  5. Just missed it but better than 0z
  6. Parking at Citifield is now 40 dollars
  7. Was that the one where LI got blasted with over 20 Inches ?
  8. Eric Webb says be patient. Strong El Ninos are backloaded.
  9. I paid 38 dollars for 2 chicken tenders and fries at Citifield last year.
  10. That's cheap That's about 25 dollars at Citifield.
  11. I know El Ninos are backloaded so I'm not that worried but we have kicked the can a few times already . Hopefully things get better in January .
  12. I don't think anyone is but people are frustrated.
  13. Good post man There have been many forecasters who have kicked cans already.
  14. Weeklies have been awful so far. I'm still waiting for thr pattern change they promised at the end of December .
  15. While that may be true , alot of long range forecasts for this winter are going up in flames again.
  16. I thought this winter was going to be a good once since we are in an El Nino. The background state is acting more like a La Nina. The MJO went through the favorable phases and nothing happened. Yes we are only in December and strong El Ninos are backloaded but time is ticking.
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