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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. Moderate rain here The beat goes on
  2. I literally live in the worst place in NY for snow.
  3. We should move NYC to upstate.
  4. Feeling the block Last minute south bumps Enjoy the snow
  5. Damn no one knows what today is
  6. Huge Blizzard for DC northward next week. Get ready. I'm buying a shovel and salt
  7. Huge Blizzard for DC northward next week. Get ready. I'm buying a shovel and salt
  8. Too bad we can't capitalize on this .
  9. This storm is weaker on the models until it gets to New England. A nothing burger for the majority.
  10. But snowman19 also forecasts no snow so is that a compliment?
  11. Many forecasts were for a warm and snowless winter but there were hope from the weeklies which never materialized.
  12. It's amazing even with the blocking. Usually we will have a weaker primary and a transfer further south but in these past winters nothing at all.
  13. Chris has received alot of weenies this past winter but he did a great job when everyone including myself was hard on him for being a warnista. Same can be said for Allsnow. I think frustrations are setting in for many snow enthusiasts.
  14. Good way to go Every model has its days
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