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Everything posted by MJO812

  1. Interior SNE isn't doing that bad. Im loving this minus the fact this winter sucks. So everyone will be wrong about a flip in February?
  2. Is it really hard to get 6 plus snowstorm ? We use to get those all the time.
  3. Models are backing away from the big cold shot. Maybe this will give us a chance.
  4. It's getting tiring
  5. I don't take anything serious anymore past 200 hours.
  6. I'm starting to doubt a great pattern ahead like many predict. Hopefully the weeklies are correct . I just want 1 huge snowstorm. Another winter failure.
  7. I tend to agree now
  8. Agree That's why no one should get excited about any model run past 7 days .
  9. Horrible runs overnight That's why no one should get excited about any model run past 7 days .
  10. Horrible runs overnight
  11. Looking forward to the Yankees losing ?
  12. I guess you like trolling people who think winter is coming since you are laughing
  13. Why is Allsnow laughing ?
  14. There is a huge debate about this . It's on the border of both .
  15. You can say that about many . Check out videos on YouTube.
  16. Take a break man. No one is going to run you off the board.
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