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About ecovers94

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  1. I may lose my mind if there isn't a sustained forecast for rain soon.
  2. is it really a balance right now? or a frightening new extreme?
  3. literally thinking it's the only thing that will fix this + 80 degree Halloweens
  4. why is it so hopeless? why is it IMPOSSIBLE for it to rain?
  5. any chance of any rain whatsoever in any foreseeable future?
  6. Feel like the Times or at minimum the Daily News should just have a front cover page of that for once. A blooming cherry tree in late December.
  7. I'm posting because it's that bad. it is unfathomable to me that the coldest we can pull off the first week of january is 30 degrees at night-maybe. maybe, maybe it really is time to panic about climate change. this is surreal. Plants still haven't died in parts of Manhattan.
  8. this weather, in the context of everything happening across the US( drought, tornados,) is really nothing to be nonchalant about.
  9. Someone's gone below 32 on Long Island? Not near JFK. it's stunning to me.
  10. There must be something specific here, short-term climactically, because it's been colder in Europe so far this winter. I'm wondering what this is
  11. Popping in to ask: What is happening with overnight lows that it has yet to go below 31 degrees... even in 2015 we had that happen? Why can’t it happen? What is going on? It's bizarre and kind of concerning.
  12. Hi everyone, Lurk all the time on here but have a compelling question... can someone explain what is causing the overnight lows to be so high for so long? I don't think I remember an October where it's taken so long to go into the 40s. Thanks!
  13. fantastic, the drought that keeps giving
  14. is it going to rain or what tonight?
  15. When is it going to rain already and how much
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