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Everything posted by subdude

  1. wow, great reading itt. Finally the time has come for our first significant snow. Looks like there's confidence that many locations will get close to if not double digit totals. Not a bad start to a somewhat dismal season. Hopefully this opens the gates to a 100" season for all. lol
  2. Much appreciated Kevin I know a lot goes into creating this DB for all of us.
  3. I have three tons of pellets being delivered next week. lol
  4. Perfect for the 35th annual Reggae Fest at the Loaf. 4/6-4/9. They'll be skiing the fields above tree line.
  5. Congrats NNE/CNE. Looks promising for you.
  6. Happened on Oxbow Chute. That little chute right off 10th at mid-mtn. I hit it on Sat and it was the worst trail condition wise on the whole mtn. Starting to get thin and skied off with bumps forming. I'm sure it firmed up overnight with the low Temps. I'm not even sure if it's a groomer.
  7. I hit Wachusett yesterday. Conditions were great for 3/18. Entire mountain opened. Latest I ever skied Ropers Road. Perfect Spring ski day.
  8. Started off decent in Dec with that 8" dumping on the 15th. After that, sixteen 1-4" events leading up to the big one.
  9. 35" reported in Peterborough which 17mi E. of Keene.
  10. Conditions should be epic. No school today so it will be a zoo.
  11. On my way into work, saw a convoy of about 15 bucket trucks heading W on Rt2. Linemen and lumberjacks making bank for the rest of the week.
  12. Nice, snowblowed 3 times. 9.5", 10", 6". Got a few more for the AM. Close to 27". Looks to be stopped after 27.5hrs of nonstop snow. What a day.
  13. Just what the Dr. ordered. My son works at Loon he said 4" overnight. lol
  14. I was skeptical all week and on the low end of the 12-18" camp leading up to this. We never slotted which also helped.
  15. Just finished rd2 of snowblowing 10" of paste. 23" snow is lightening up.
  16. One for the books. Confidence in 2' is much higher then 12hrs ago.
  17. with another 16-18hrs of snow. I'm at 16" in Gardner
  18. lilacs and pine branches are beginning to snap IMY.
  19. winds are starting to pickup here. 13" and counting...
  20. Just got in from initial clean out. 9.5" at the start add another 1.5" at the end. 1hr 15min.complete pasting here.
  21. Haven't been out to measure yet. Doing my first sweep with the snowblower now that daybreak is here.
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