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the ghost of OT

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Everything posted by the ghost of OT

  1. i was a little concerned that all they would find is ef3 DI's. glad that this will be "properly" rated.
  2. Forecast verification isn’t based upon a single bad tornado happening to hit a town. We had supposedly the top parameter space anyone has seen. Forecast was for multiple violent long track tornadoes. We had 5 supercells nicely spaced who all failed to consistently produce tornadoes throughout the afternoon. Even at night the LLJ and additional forcing didn’t lead to better tornadogenesis conditions, despite the crazy OUN sounding.
  3. Cmon dude this wasn’t like 4/27/11 so no need to enter that into the conversation. the qlcs regime overperformed in Missouri and Iowa and the barnsdell cell obviously went ham. But the main high risk had problems performing all day. A moderate woulda been fine.
  4. Glad it busted. That coulda been so bad for a lot more people and areas.
  5. The beans east of the linear failcells are here to save the day
  6. I’d be clenching my cheeks if I lived in great bend. That storm by larned might be the first to go tornadic in KS
  7. It’s a great video. Awesome intercept. But nowhere near the most violent motion. Go watch films of the Elie MB tornado. That’s my go-to.
  8. ive only picked up about .5" so far. looks like the worst precip for now is locking in south of here.
  9. Also, please don’t give that out for free. @BuffaloWeathercan hook you up with media contacts
  10. gonna be a gross weekend here why cant it dump on tuesdays and wednesdays instead
  11. Theres a demand for the hype. Evan fryberger sits there 3x a week with thousands of viewers and doesn’t even know what a debris ball is.
  12. weird that you're perceiving a crappy tornado year because ohio has been red hot
  13. I’m going to go post up in sterling tomorrow and try to catch a landspout. Will leave the main outbreak sequence to the Kadens and Jadens and halls of the world.
  14. it's ripping here in north fort collins...not as bad as it is a few miles up the road, though.
  15. No email from xcel for me. Fingers crossed. My development is all buried so hopefully will be fine.
  16. My understanding is that the first half of the event is bora, switching to chinook later tonight. This is based upon last nights boulder forecast discussion, but I’m not a met. Either way it sucks.
  17. This is my first major chinook event. Have no idea what to expect. Hopefully my proximity to 25/the plains helps cut down my max gusts. I'm supposed to pick up my wife at DIA tonight and am hoping her flight just gets cancelled.
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