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the ghost of OT

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Everything posted by the ghost of OT

  1. I take it you don’t live in the projects, or really any area where people live in apartment buildings.
  2. Too embarrassed to show his face. Got outplayed by a dude named jocko
  3. Imma text him the shrimp meme
  4. There was an Aussie cyclone where the WMO verified like 250mph gusts…total freak show. Gustav had a big one too. I wonder what the elevation of these winds were…that could make apples to apples comparisons hard. On a ship it could be dozens of meters ASL.
  5. Another perspective is that they are amateur disaster vigilantes who are putting themselves in harms way by LARPing as first responders. Even if some of them are organized the popularization of them is going to encourage their version of Midwestern storm chaser to go try rescuing someone…
  6. Yeah but the CAJUN NAVY is saving people. Interesting question whether these people help or hurt, and what their existence says about the failures of governments in america.
  7. Eyewall is just parked over them and Taft, which has that massive Dow chemical plant
  8. Don’t worry everyone…his twitter followers are praying for him
  9. Why? They flew josh out of tacloban on a c-130. If some yahoo on a jet ski wants to save these kids I don’t mind.
  10. Going out in style on wxtwitter…when I die bury me inside the gucci store
  11. Hell yeah! Iniki! Love a good rare reference. You want to talk about a storm that was one of a kind that none of us will ever see again? There ya go.
  12. Yeah big change from Laura when obs were scarce and meh outside of a few spots.
  13. this could sneak into the top 5 when all I said and done
  14. You sweating yet? I know you’re reading all the posts about catastrophic power failures…
  15. It’s crazy how good it still looks on Satellite and radar.
  16. Your opinion is always welcome
  17. It’s a complex system. Yes it has been revamped but why anyone would 100% trust any piece of infrastructure in America of all places is just beyond me. Also it’s not just about levees. What if a chemical plant blows 2 hours from now? There’s lots of catastrophes that can still happen.
  18. Because you are talking out your ass and sounding like the people who declared NO was spared by Katrina. Things could still fail. They probably won’t but you’re victory lapping already.
  19. Low effort, three word redundant posts in the main thread during storm mode are ok if they’re praising the camera.
  20. I’m already over it. You lames better not make t shirts and wxtwitter memes about it in a desperate search for a new blue shed.
  21. Good. It was taking up too much discussion bandwidth for what it was worth.
  22. Are people really just sitting watching that grand island camera? I tuned in a few times for like 15 seconds but it’s actually super boring.
  23. It’s very impressive the way the inner eyewall is fending off this moat.
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