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the ghost of OT

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Everything posted by the ghost of OT

  1. I took a look, which is why I think Inez would be what I am rooting for
  2. Why would your starting point be a day 5 projection subject to forecast error instead of where the storm is now? Oh wait, because that’s less fun and has a way higher percentage of OTS. unamed 1893 would be alright tho…looks like the only realistic post 9/20. I personally would like to see inez 2. That would be an insanely fun storm to track.
  3. It’ll be less ugly. Larry was born special but this one actually has a nice look. that said…named before 40w and it’s nearly October…so RIP
  4. I’m not here to fight. I am just here to advocate for landfalls with complete eyewalls and good chaser footage. Nobody needs harmed and I hope only rich people’s beach houses and fossil fuel infrastructure gets wiped out.
  5. Nobody tracks these to watch fizzling TS landfall. You’re basically concern trolling.
  6. Yeah it may be a "half'cane", but the northern band that is dragging the shoreline is brutal. Hopefully this gets punched hard by westerly 400-300 hPa flow to shear off that northern eyewall before it reaches the Galveston area. We’re rooting for shear because we are scared of cat 1 halfacanes now?
  7. @Prospero you don’t think Canada is [redacted], do you?
  8. High risk days make you into a fool. Hated chasing them.
  9. to be completely honest this is one of the stupidest storms I have ever witnessed
  10. Also Alek isn’t the feds so he won’t want to mod I bet
  11. The good posters are joining wx sesh https://discord.gg/FgNq9JMT
  12. Do these floods from the remnants count? If so it may do 50bn today.
  13. You put the actual landfall zone into a lower category and got the timing wrong…but a+ forecast dude. Looking forward to the next one!
  14. Indirect deaths are what Maria and Katrina were best at producing. I am not sure “direct” deaths is a meaningful thing.
  15. And, of course, there's that. I don’t know why people (not necessarily anyone in particular) are downplaying this aspect. That is huge. Hundreds of thousands in misery. A real humanitarian crisis. Plus, how many bridges got hit by barges and now may be structurally unsound? How many industrial facilities are leaking chemicals? When will the water be safe? Talking about New Orleans being spared because the eyewall winds stayed west just seems so premature. It’s not even the close of business of the day after.
  16. Igor was pretty bad in Canada and since they don’t ask for much, I think they gave it to them to toss them a bone.
  17. “Just go to Costco and buy propane 4head”
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