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About SchvoniWx

  • Birthday 05/06/1990

Profile Information

  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Hillcrest, SE Washington, DC
  • Interests
    Wildlife conservation, hockey, kittens, craft beer, ya know, the usual.

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  1. Nah. It's not even March yet. I'm a huge hater of heat though and admittedly get annoyed when temps go over 65°F. *shrug* I need to move, lol.
  2. I'm going to call the winter of '20-'21 "the Perpetual Duster". Still hoping March can turn it around. This is pretty though! A dusting is better than nothing!
  3. Look, I have not yet recovered from this morning, this is bad for my mental health.
  4. Lol, I just joined this forum last night, I'm already drinking. *engages curious side-eye*
  5. I mean I'll take it and be grateful but I'm not happy about it.
  6. Don't you love it when it's below 26°F on the ground and it starts snowing and then as soon as precip rates speed up and you get excited for the incoming accumulating snow, it switches to RAIN. Why does the mid-Atlantic hate us so much?
  7. Annnnnd there's the freezing rain. Cool cool.
  8. I'm still all snow and no sleet.
  9. No sleet yet and fingers crossed it stays that way for a while. A girl can dream.
  10. I'm over the river and in Hillcrest which is at a much higher elevation than the rest of the city. Our local variation can be pretty intense compared to the rest of the city.
  11. I am so pleasantly surprised right now, nice coating of snow already and steadily coming down. Way more intense than I expected for this time frame! 26.8°F ~ 19.6°F @ 4:54 AM, SE DC
  12. I could sleep but I'd rather be a contributing member to snow society. 29.1°F ~ 11.8°F @ 3:44 AM, SE DC Calm, cloudy, exciting. ☺️
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