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Everything posted by DeeDeeHCue

  1. What’s that building out of the SW and running up into the Upper South 210-240
  2. I’m mostly lurk here, but believe me there are far worse hobby cultures where people argue and lose sleep over model runs. Mine, in particular, becomes insufferable every other November. You snow chasers are a comparative breath of fresh air, plus I get to find out a wee bit ahead of the crowd if I may or may not see my town’s long drought of big snow finally end!
  3. I have watched these threads with fascination and finally caved and created an account. This is a field I know nothing about, but involves snow, which I love. I moved away from Baltimore for 13 years, missed all the great snow storms and seems I moved back during the 6-7 year lull, and have watched wave after disappointing wave drop virtually nothing. So, give a complete idiot some guidance: at what point should I actually get excited? 6 hours out? 12? Sleep until the Governor declares a State of Emergency?
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