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  1. Is it me, or have the models been absolute trash this year?
  2. I have to travel to Davenport Saturday evening, so for once I am rooting for a miss north . Looks like i-80 should be pretty drivable at the very least.
  3. Once again, need to travel for the weekend. These snow storms just love these Fridays.
  4. HRRR Nailed the lake effect snow IMBY last February and that means its the best always
  5. Ah yes, the worst case scenario for my drive to Peoria on Friday.
  6. I pray the fine people at IDOT will have the highways clear by Friday... Right!?
  7. The worst part is, I'm traveling south on Friday lmao .
  8. Figures the one time I don't want any snow, the GFS has it pinned on top of my house for 3 days straight Any other storm this would of drifted south or north by now
  9. I have to travel on the 18th for a bowling tournament to Peoria. So for once, I hope this goes north.
  10. Future 48 hr snow totals from the weather channel app. Pack it up boys, it's a dud.
  11. Usually happens once a year. Last year we had a big one where lake enahnced snow torched the shoreline and about 5-10 miles in. Then just last Friday we got 8~ inches just on lake effect snow. But no, we don't ever get what buffalo gets. The wind rarely comes off the lake from the east.
  12. I'm still doing the lake effect snow dance for Thursday
  13. Watching the NAM pick up on lake effect snow (stfu and let me have something)
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