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About 614teacher

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  1. GFS still looks ok as of 12z for Columbus? Or do we just think trend is going to keep screwing us? .
  2. Heavy sleet Italian village area Columbus.. pretty gross. Will probably still get a snow day but not as much fun.
  3. I’m a teacher and have lurked on these boards during winter for probably the last three or four years- always love a snow day. Lived in Blacksburg VA for a bit, then DFW last year and now I am back near home in Columbus teaching 4th grade. Sometimes I show my class the Tropical Tidbits models and they love it. I saw the call for lurkers to post so figured I would.. excited for the storm! If we get Tuesday off it would be 3 straight Tuesday snow days- not bad. Unless they make us teach remotely, though it seems that if they have to close the buildings for admin they just give us a real snow day.
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