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Posts posted by Rhoady

  1. Final report for Rhoadesville, VA

    18 FEB: 2.1" sleet and snow, majority sleet.  0.15" ice accretion. 

    19 FEB: 0.4" snow and sleet, majority snow.  Trace ice accretion. 


    Season total snow and sleet accumulation is 19.8".

    10.8" were from two storms. 16.4" from five storms; the aforementioned two plus three more added to them. 

  2. 39 minutes ago, Rhoady said:

    11z: 26F/25, light mix, 80/20 PL/ZR, 1.2"


    The meso analysis that dec pic posted is relevant at least afa precip changing back from 90% ZR to 80-90% PL an hr or so later imby 

    12z: 28F/25, light mix, 60/40 PL/ZR-, 1.3". 

    The accumulated precip is the worst to drive or walk on rn. Mini-glaciers forming. 

  3. 52 minutes ago, Rhoady said:

    10z: 27F/23, light mix, 80/20 PL/SN--, 1.0"

    Rates vary quite a bit; showery, from ++ to - every five to ten mins.

    11z: 26F/25, light mix, 80/20 PL/ZR, 1.2"


    The meso analysis that dec pic posted is relevant at least afa precip changing back from 90% ZR to 80-90% PL an hr or so later imby 

  4. 1 hour ago, Rhoady said:

    09z ob:  26F/17, mod PL. First 75 mins were an 80/20 mix of PL/SN totalling ~0.7" on the board. 

    10z: 27F/23, light mix, 80/20 PL/SN--, 1.0"

    Rates vary quite a bit; showery, from ++ to - every five to ten mins.

  5. 35 minutes ago, Rhoady said:

    Rhoadesville, VA: 0245hrs, started as mod PL, mixing mod SN/PL mix. Rates not determining p type down here rn.Edit: 28f, dp 14. Maybe the column can cool a lil more and I can squeak out some SN 

    09z ob:  26F/17, mod PL. First 75 mins were an 80/20 mix of PL/SN totalling ~0.7" on the board. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Wetbulbs88 said:

    Lol in no way do I think I'd be on the right side of that fall line. But if that somehow happened to verify I might start believing in things I swear to only in vain. 

    Do yourself a favor. Look up the definition of: fall line, the


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  7. Yes. I was playing with two of my dogs imfy at ~2345hrs; one jumped a deer, they hit the woods for two hours, and I walked after em.  Went back to the board every 50-70 mins so those measurements are up to 10min from a true hourly measurement (even tho that's not the official way to measure anyway. I just like to see hourlies when it's around SN+)

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  8. Rhoadesville, VA:  final measurement on the board at 0430hrs, 6.3"

    Some notable hours and measurements:

    2230hrs 11FEB: 1.6"

    2330: 2.1"

    0030hrs 12FEB: 3.0"

    0130: 4.5"

    0230: 6.0"

    Had significant periods of severely rimed 'flakes' and sig periods of mixed ZR/PL/SN-. Easily lost between 1 to 2 inches of accumulation. 


    Edit: had steady, accumulating SN/SN- until 0410. A little compaction was noted before the measurement at 0430.

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