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Mount Joy Snowman

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Everything posted by Mount Joy Snowman

  1. I kind of had my doubts about the magnitude of this event because many of the models had been showing things really breaking up over us and being rather sparse. With that said, I still think we end up close to a half inch when it's all said and done, with the better stuff set to move through later this afternoon or this evening. I'll tell you what was really misforecasted (made up word?), and that was the temps for the last couple days of this month. Back when I did my end of month calculation the forecasted NWS temps were MUCH cooler than they've actually turned out to be. The final mean temp for the month is going to end up a few tenths higher than I predicted. I should be fired from my job.
  2. Low of 36 with .05" of rain. Some interesting opportunities in the weeks ahead with a tight boundary. In any case, hopefully (likely?) some drought-busting activity in our future. Penn State - Iowa wrestling tonight in Happy Valley, #1 vs #2, let's go!
  3. Low of 27. Just a horrible tragedy over the Potomac last night. Basically everyone's worst nightmare when they get on a plane. My heart goes out to all the families involved. This world can be such a cruel place. So awful.
  4. It appears this image automatically updates to the latest image, so for those viewing it at a later time just trust that it was a whiteout when I first posted it ha.
  5. Whiteout at my buddy's cabin with another squall right behind......
  6. Low of 35. Quite the tight gradient setting up for the next week or so, should be interesting. What's the crux of that joke that always flies around in here about the carpet and tile guys? I only ask because I have the Carpet Mart guys coming today ha.
  7. I see the liberals are out in full force this morning rabble rousing again. Always throwing the subtle little digs in there. I read a lot on his forum and just roll my eyes and move along but we have people thinking Eli gave a legitimate nazi salute or that random US citizens are being rounded up and deported. Enough already. We get it, lots of people hate Trump and lots of people love him. Everybody gets it. But there’s no question that much of what he is doing is very popular with the electorate at large and that it’s exactly what he said he would do, which is why his approval rating is much higher than it was at any point during his first term. Some policies will work, some won’t, some will be shot down by courts, but it will all play out and everything will be fine. At least there’s some excitement after years of a corpse in there. Carry on.
  8. Low of 35. I imagine these next couple of days will decimate the pack pretty good.
  9. We should end the month ~5 degrees BN. In fact, my pen, notepad, and TI-84 Plus tell me we'll end January with a mean temp of 25.7 degrees. This would tie 1895 and 2003 for 21st coldest January all-time. Book it.
  10. Low of 21. That Saquon run on the Eagle's first play was just.......wow. Congrats to the Birds fans out there. Should be a great Superbowl. National high of 85 near La Puerta, TX and low of -36 at none other than Peter Sinks, UT.
  11. I dropped one more degree to 11 but single digits will escape me.
  12. Low of 12 here. Appears to be a big-time inversion night and my current house is just a wee bit too high to take advantage of it.
  13. Aaaahhhh rats I should have known haha. Too focused on watching Penn State wrestling. Brain too distracted.
  14. This one went right over my head. Apologies haha.
  15. I went out right before sundown to check our propane tank and couldn’t believe the depth of the snow in shaded spots. Seems like it’s barely lost an inch. Love it. #PackRetention
  16. Low of 14. Nothing here but love hearing that some of you woke up to a coating of snow, always a pleasant surprise.
  17. I know my friend, I know. Just razzin ya a bit. Merely lamenting the GFS long range shenanigans, but I would never say we’re done in January. I don’t call curtains until April. I’m a snow junkie. I’ll take it however and whenever.
  18. The GFS showed a monster at 300+ hours!? GET OUT! Bahahaha but I still love ya Blizz
  19. I am indeed, especially my backyard. Hills are always at a disadvantage in that they receive less snow, same amount falling from the sky but has to cover a larger surface area than it would on a flat surface. Think right triangle. North facing slopes are able to more than counteract that loss by getting way less solar wattage. Southern facing hills get double-whammied and can look paltry pretty quick. There's nothing Harrisburg loves more than dumping mounds of salt all around the capitol complex, to the point where we're walking knee deep in the stuff ha, and leaving all the side street sidewalks completely covered.
  20. Indeed, in fact I'm here today too. Just went to Market for lunch. Yes, I would say the pack is a wee bit thicker up this way. Not sure if that would make any difference with regards to temperature, since everything down our way is solidly covered too. I think the frozen river works wonders for the Harrisburg locations and allows a place like MDT to realize its full potential on shallow inversion nights. I mean, it's in about as low of a spot as you can get ha, and has those high ridges around it. The only thing preventing it from going lower on most nights is the river presence. Cover that baby up with ice and that worry is gone. I think it helps cool the city too, don't see how it wouldn't.
  21. Just realized MDT broke the daily record for coldest mean temp yesterday at 5.0 degrees.
  22. If there’s one thing that remains true in this game it’s that predictions made for months out, while better than they used to be, are still virtually impossible.
  23. 4 at the house when I left, lowest car thermo reading was -2. I think it’s fair to say this week has been one of the more impressive cold outbreaks of our lifetimes.
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