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Mount Joy Snowman

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Everything posted by Mount Joy Snowman

  1. Low of 33 with .19" of rainfall. Less rain than I expected, which was nice because it allowed everything to remain white. A nice soaker this weekend (maybe some lucky front-end white) before things turn COLD for next week and then we hope for a bigg'n.
  2. I probably shouldn’t be responding to this at all haha, but if you think the models were better when you were a kid you’re a complete idiot. A next level moron, and I hate to be mean. But c’mon guy.
  3. Oh no. Pivotal is damn near perfect to me. I can't fathom changing it. I cringe to think what it will look like. Thanks for the heads-up.
  4. Snow has finally shut off here in the capital city. What a day.
  5. Low clouds is the best bet, beam overshooting. Small flake size can hinder a bit too but that doesn’t seem to be the case here.
  6. Biggest flakes and lowest visibility of the day here in Harrisburg, despite weakest radar returns ha. Got to love winter radar. Moderate for sure, could even lay. What a scene up here.
  7. Wild. Visibility is legit semi-low here right now. It hasn't not snowed for one minute.
  8. Bahahahaha not THAT wrestling. I mean, I assume the guy was the son of an undertaker?? I also remember he lived at elevation, something like 900-1000' up on Blue Mountain. Cmon, you guys are the stewards of all-things weather message board. You are THE people to tackle this conundrum. Someone has to know of this guy or the board I'm talking about! Think deeply gentlemen! You aren't kidding. I was outside walking around for lunch and couldn't believe it was still snowing, let alone at that intensity (a steady light snow). In fact, it's still snowing. This is amazing. Never saw this coming in terms of duration. Now as for accumulation, that's another story ha.
  9. I just wanted to add that I have no earthly idea what any of you are talking about with regard to the history of this board haha. However, maybe 10-15 years ago I did lurk on a couple of other weather boards, which sadly I cannot remember the names of. One in particular was geared towards central PA and had a few loyal posters, one of whom I remember because he was like the top dog and went by the handle UndertakersSon. The board called him UTS. Does this ring a bell to anyone?? Just start naming some old PA weather boards and maybe one will ring a bell for me. If not, I will crawl back into my hole and speak of none of this ever again ha.
  10. Indeed they are, the road to Hershey begins! Districts for some and sectionals for others. D7 (WPIAL) already has brackets out for AA and AAA sectionals. I'm going to guess you're headed to the D6 AA tourney? That's in Altoona, no? Just hit me that I may get scolded for typing all this on the weather board. Apologies to all, I just get real excited when talking wrestling haha.
  11. National high of 90 at McAllen, TX and low of -47 at Peter Sinks for an amazing Lower 48 diurnal range of 137 degrees, and yes, I am fully aware that this interests only me. Carry on.
  12. Harrisburg has been a stunning snow globe all morning, with the flakes, at times, falling so slowly that they appear to be suspended. No real additional accumulation where I'm at in the heart of the concrete jungle but I imagine some grassy surfaces and outlying areas are adding a wee bit to their totals. Just a beautiful scene.
  13. Again, it's another day where it just feels and looks like winter out there. Those types of days have really piled up this winter. Regardless of snow totals, I've really enjoyed this winter season.
  14. 6am Obs: 27 with light snow falling. 24-Hr accumulation of 1.9” melted down to .16”. Looks like my O/U of 2.0” worked out pretty well for KMJS. Congrats to any southerners who made out big. Time to take a train ride.
  15. Yeah this has the look of a classic turnpike battle zone. Still 28 degrees here with a steady light snow as I get ready to bed down for the night. Have an early morning tomorrow, hope to wake up to over an inch. G’night weather freaks.
  16. At no point have I completely shut off so I at least have that going for me ha. Actually the last hour or so has been a steady light snow. I can say that I’m over a quarter inch now soooo…..progress. Radar looks to be filling in a bit to our west as well.
  17. I've been watching painfully as that band stays mere miles to my south. If I squint I can see very slight movement northward. Literally on the edge of it now. Brutal.
  18. I noticed this as well. It’s just south of @Itstrainingtime and I. Curious to see if it can bulge north at all. Doubtful.
  19. 6pm Obs: 28 with light snow falling and just under a tenth of an inch of accumulation.
  20. Same here, just got home to a dusting. The stuff that’s falling now is not of the accumulating variety ha. Later this evening should be our best chance to add something real. We hope.
  21. Light snow has broken out in Harrisburg proper.
  22. Today could be one of those days where it's very painful watching the radar loop.
  23. Low of 23. I’ll put the over/under for KMJS at an even two inches. Sadly, I’m leaning towards the under. Who knows, maybe we’ll get lucky with some mid level forcing out ahead of the main show. You never know. Every storm has a few surprises but I’m keeping expectations low with this one.
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