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Mount Joy Snowman

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Everything posted by Mount Joy Snowman

  1. Really sorry to hear this Mike. Nothing more horrifying than witnessing your child go through something like that. We wish we could take the pain from them and for them, but alas, all we can do is offer support. Hope everything works out and your son is back to full health in timely fashion.
  2. Been working outside most of the last couple days and haven’t found the heat to be anything extreme. Stayed mostly in the shade but a bit underwhelming thus far. There is, however, quite an east-west gradient to some of the temps and I suspect the peak of the heat dome moves more over my eastern area towards the weekend, just in time for our annual summer party on Saturday ugh.
  3. Low of 68. CTP has definitely muted my forecast a bit as well, with highs starting tomorrow of 92-91-94-96 and the peak being 97 on Saturday. Saturday's record of 97 for MDT may be the most gettable too.
  4. Low of 55. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there. This one here is hittin’ the links later. Hopefully the light beer keeps me cool.
  5. Low of 59 to go with exactly 3/4” of rain. Beautiful weekend before we all get fried. Enjoy it, all.
  6. Temp dropped to 67 here and about three quarters of an inch. Much needed. Also got a crap ton of power washing done today and I’m sore as a whore.
  7. Absolute buckets now. Round two even harder. Plenty of wind and T&L as well. This is glorious.
  8. Getting walloped over here with a classic summertime T’storm. The boy and I were out playing in it getting drenched. It will double as bath time tonight ha. Still pouring.
  9. Low of 67. Modeling certainly seems less robust around these parts for this evening. Man I hope we get something noteworthy because if not, with what’s in store for the next week or two….sheesh.
  10. Well I’m a Donegal boy at heart too; went there until 4th grade, living in Mount Joy Boro. Played all my youth baseball for Mount Joy. Have fond memories of those days.
  11. The Hempfield Black Knights are your PIAA 6A champs in baseball! First in school history for a proud program. They were a huge underdog too, going up against basically a college prep team loaded with D1 talent in La Salle.
  12. Was just thinking of you when I saw the radar. Hopefully it expands from there, otherwise the HRRR was high on its on supply.
  13. To be fair, it was never really until late this evening that the HRRR showed it coming through, and in fact the latest run still has it sprouting up and moving over us between like 8-11. Again, only far southeastern zones, not even Dauphin County really. We shall see.
  14. Yep. Thanks for the shoutout but I don't know who MHS is Could be interesting for a select few folks this evening. Something to watch ahead of the main show tomorrow evening.
  15. Last time MDT hit 100 was July 19, 2020. Prior to that, it was July 7, 2012. And those were "just" 100 and 101, respectively.
  16. Low of 57 here. Anyone else notice the models showing a slight chance of a shower this evening for those of us in the far southeastern parts of the LSV? I'm hoping the frontal passage tomorrow can pair up well with the peak daytime heating instability but looks like it may be a touch late for us down this way. Should still see some decent rains tomorrow evening, we hope. Put me in the camp that thinks next week will be hot and dry. Remarkable consistency in the record highs for next week, with all of them being 97 or 98. I don't think we reach any but mid 90s for a few days seems doable. Onward.
  17. Just went for a nice long walk over lunch here in Harrisburg and was taken aback by how cool it was. Felt great though. Classic GFS/Euro model war setting up for next week? Sign me up.
  18. Low of 57. Next week looks to bring the real heat, just in time for our annual summer party. Onward.
  19. We've got two and yeah, they certainly do their part haha. Come the dead of summer is when you can really start to see where their favorite spots are ha. One of ours is a digger as well. Trying to keep a nice yard with two dogs and two toddlers is a constant losing battle.
  20. This would be.......not great. Hopefully we get lucky with the convective stuff.
  21. Low of 57 here. No rain over the weekend. I mowed yesterday but that will likely be the last time for a while. My yard is already looking a little rough in spots and if these next two weeks play out as advertised all of our yards will be in the toilet.
  22. This is always the best feeling ha. Low of 66 here with .06" of rainfall. Should be a damn nice stretch of weather upcoming.
  23. Funny you mention, that little shower rolled through here as well and added ~.06" to the gauge. Off to a good start today.
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