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Mount Joy Snowman

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Everything posted by Mount Joy Snowman

  1. Yeah I told them I didn’t care for their methodology but that I would allow it haha. You should definitely contact Pittsburgh and see what they say.
  2. Low and behold CTP responded to me! My question: @NWSStateCollege why does the 5 min interval METAR data for KLNS show ten readings between 6-6:45am with a temp of 30 but the same site shows a 6 hour low of 31? The NWS regional roundup also shows LNS with a low of 31? Have noticed this in the past and with MDT as well. Thanks! Their response: It has to do with rounding. The 5-min obs are rounded to the nearest °C, converted to °F, and rounded again. So the low temperature was likely no less than -0.8°C, which is 30.56°F. This showed up as -1°C ~ 30.2°F in the 5-min observation, but the temp never got below 30.5°F.
  3. Oh there is absolutely something wrong with both of us my friend
  4. Preach brotha! We had a similar instance with the Lancaster station a couple years back where it was obviously reading a few degrees high but luckily local Met Eric Horst pointed it out and it got corrected fairly quickly. I say "fairly" because I believe it was still a few weeks where it was faulty. Now, Lancaster isn't used the same way Harrisburg and Pittsburgh are as official climate record keeping stations but it was still frustrating. Good to know I'm not the only one who gets worked up about such things haha.
  5. You have inspired me. I have reached out to CTP and will let you know what I hear back. Hello my brother from another mother. Yes do it, hold them accountable! haha i love this. But seriously we deserve answers.
  6. Yes this is me quoting myself from 20 days ago but apparently nobody heard me when I said I demand answers. I kid I kid. This has happened again but this time for Lancaster. If you look at the 5-minute interval data for KLNS there are literally ten readings between 6:00am and 6:45am where the temp was 30, yet the very same site lists the 6-hour minimum during that period as 31. Furthermore, the official NWS regional roundup also shows the 12 hour low temp (ending at 8am this morning) as 31 for LNS. What is happening!? And yes, I'm fully aware that I may be the only person who cares about this enigma haha.
  7. The record for MDT for today was 31 but it looks like they bottomed out at 35, which of course is at least a few degrees higher than every other reporting station around. What's new. Heck, even CXY hit 32.
  8. I can confirm, as my crappy yard looks better than ever I bottomed out at 29 last night, not too shabby. Loving the look of this winter-time radar. Looks like one more chilly breezy day today but then perhaps 80 by the middle of next week.
  9. I have dropped to 47 as we approach the 1pm hour. At noon Bradford was at 32 (and reporting light snow) while Philly checked in at 68, front packs quite the punch.
  10. Per the live cams, there does appear to be some white rain falling in Happy Valley. Across the northern tier it seems to actually be laying, particularly at elevation.
  11. I topped out at a splendid 76 yesterday. Not looking forward to these northwest winds kicking up with the passage of this potent cold front this afternoon. Looking at going from 850 temps of ~10C this morning to -10C by late tonight. I really do think this is the last hurrah for old man winter though.
  12. This is fascinating, perhaps some mild downsloping effects from the high hills you mentioned? I mean, MDT also has a decent ridgeline on the other side of the river to contend with but perhaps not as much blocking it from the prevailing storm direction as would the hills around CXY. Who knows but interesting nonetheless.
  13. Thinking you may be referring to August of 2018, which was my wettest month ever with 17.79 inches. I had three separate daily rainfall totals of greater than 4" that month. On August 31st I got 4.45" but just a couple miles to my north Mount Joy Borough got 8-10" in a 3-4 hour period that resulted in atrocious flash flooding. It really caught everyone off guard as the storms just stalled out over that area. I distinctly remember leaving the liquor store in downtown Mount Joy and thinking "oh shit I better get home quick", roads were already starting to flood, just barely got through in the nick of time. Lots of people stranded that day. What a summer that was. July had a crazy event too where like 10" fell over a 4-5 day period and at one point Mount Joy was an island, cut off in nearly all directions due to Chiques Creek flooding. My wife and I had to get to a Phillies game that day and were supposed to take the train from Mount Joy but couldn't get into town and had to rush to Lancaster train station instead. Fun times.
  14. Yeah I'm seeing a number of 3-8" type reports across NY, VT, MA, etc.......looks like the Laurels also got a bit of snow, as the Seven Springs snow cams show a fresh light covering
  15. Some white stuff appearing on the Sweeden Hill snow cam in Potter County.....
  16. Yeah those maps are rough estimates but at the very least you can use them as an approximate gauge as to where the heaviest rains fell, and clearly it was picking up on something very heavy and isolated right around Washington Boro, which lines up with what @Itstrainingtime comrades were telling him. Just another piece of evidence to support the claims.
  17. I recorded 1.24" Sunday but yes there were some extreme amounts in a very isolated area (see dot on the map below around the Boro). Couldn't find anything on Weather Underground much above 3" but gauges are kind of sparse down that way. I definitely believe them, have seen it many times. Plus the cells sunday night were very small, huge differences over very short distances wouldn't be shocking. Just wasn't widespread enough to get much coverage, unfortunately.
  18. Welp, last night ended up being a lot more interesting than I anticipated. I got quite the L&T show as a couple cells went right overhead of me, at one point dropped ~.5" in ten minutes and even had a brief spell of pea sized hail. All told, I totaled 1.24" yesterday, this on top of .67" from Saturday. It's looking like Ireland out there, beautiful greenery.
  19. .03" for me yesterday, .02" the day before, .01" the day before that.......nickel'n'dimin my way to the top
  20. I only tallied eight days of measurable precip last month, tied with March of 2014 for my lowest March number ever. The fewest number of days I have recorded precip for any month ever was September of 2013, with only four. The most days I have ever recorded precip occurred in May 2019 and March 2020, each with 21 days. However, I have only been keeping detailed records since 2011. There is your useless information for the day. You may now go back to your regularly scheduled programing.
  21. Don't get me started. I still have not received an adequate explanation for this travesty
  22. Oh I indeed I am. Looks like I topped out at 71 here.
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